Monday 15 January 2024

Manly Monday


Ollie: We hope that our North American friends who are in the big snow/ultra-low temp zones are keeping safe and warm! We may be getting more snow here later this week, and it's still quite cold. But we are nice and cozy indoors and #1 said I looked super relaxed here.

Benny: Mr. G took this photo in which you can clearly see my great new bow tie collar (the band bit is red). It was a gift from our friends in Singapore and #1 had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it. I think it suits me well. Do you agree?

Momo: I have realised that, this time of year, the cushion on the radiator in the kitchen is extra warm!

Ryū-Chan: Mr. G caught me in mid-air as I was preparing to launch an attack on my bro, Momo!

And he then caught me as I was investigating Ms. N's bag!

We wish you all a good week!


  1. a good week to you too... and all the best for all who have to stand this icy temperatures in the US...

  2. Marvelous Monday start to the week!
    Have a great week!

  3. That is a very smart bow tie, Benny. Happy Monday to all of you.

  4. Warming The Marshmallow!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - The Babblers are telling us 1-3" or 3-5" by the time our snow leaves by late tomorrow - we'll be sending it YOUR way!

  5. We are safely in except fur Lynn putting up and taking down the bird feeders to keep the 'coons off 'em at night. The bitter cold is here but we only got 3 inches of snow. You manly boys look good this morn. Lots of fun photos.

  6. that is super duper relaxed Ollie, everyone is happy and warm and #1 is home, nothing better. the bow tie is purrfectly purrfect on you.. the colors look good on black

  7. Rascals with a bow tie...
    You manage to stay cozy and entertained inside the home!
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. You boys are all looking great today.

  9. Lulu: "Ollie! Are you waiting for a belly rub? I hope you got one!"

  10. Y'all really do look comfy cozy and Benny, you sure look fancy in your bow tie!

  11. We love that shot of Benny. The bitter cold continues for us, probably another week with a day here and there that might go to the teens. It is still between -5 and 3 degrees F today. It went to -12 overnight!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. I am spending my north east day under a blanket staying snuggled on top of my mom.


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