Wednesday 10 January 2024

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: It has been ages since we had a Woofie Wednesday, so here I am! As Queen Tama mentioned, we had some light snow yesterday and I had the best time when #1 went out first thing in the morning!


  1. Enjoy sweet Ollie...may we all get excited over the white stuff!!

  2. Ollie, you almost disappear in the shadows of black and white!

  3. we love seeing you on woofie day, in our house we have woofie day every day, no kitties living with us. you look so happy and handsome in the snow. Beau said to tell you he wishes he could wander off leash in wooded areas. he has the back yard, but nothing like yours

  4. WoofieWednesday's are THE FURRY BEST!

    Your furs so complement the wonderful white!!

    We are so glad you got some and got to enjoy it - ours was returned to the ground and the creeks with all the RAIN!!!


  5. I bet that was fun to go ot into the snow, Ollie.

  6. I'll bet it was fun to have some snow romps Ollie!

  7. Lulu: "Ooh, that looks like so much fun! I hope I get to see snow someday!"

  8. My paws have never touched snow in the yard. One year Daddy brought it inside in a bowl for us to sniff. Now we live in FloryDa where snow goes to die. So sad. I bet yoo have a wonderpurr winter. Love, Dori

  9. Ollie, you're having so much fun in that snow!

  10. We're so happy you got some snow, Ollie. Snow can bring out the puppy in the oldest dog.

  11. There is something about cold feet that makes us want to explore.

  12. Ollie, you are a party of one, afterall!
    You've got to woof your way in front of the felines and horsies.

  13. Glad you got some snow, Ollie. We have some too, but it is hard to enjoy in the frigid temps we have right now. And poor Lightning is struiggling with the icy stairs. Mom gets them cleared but they freeze back up in no time. Who ever thought we would complain about cold and snow!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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