Friday, 27 December 2024

Fun Friday


Ryū-Chan: We have guests to a post-Christmas lunch today, including Mr. G and his parents, and Ms. C. #1 is, as usual, really busy. We know Mr. G will; take lots of photos! In the meantime, Momo and I are supervising the Christmas tree lights...


  1. Have a great time with your company!

  2. Have a wonderful visit and enjoy the lights, they will be gone soon and the new year will be here

  3. You fellas always step up to the job at hand!

  4. Those blue lights are quite magical. It sounds like you a festive Christmas. Hope #1 will get a break and glad Mr G is there in her stead. No mischief boys!

  5. You two look like you're having fun but be careful to not bring the tree down. BOL!

  6. We saw the pictures - so much fun AND so much yummy yummy foodables!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - what a funday Friday for ALL of Woo - I had a nice day too - and my #1 made my Dog Tax in honor of your #1!

  7. You sweeties always seem to have a big old time!

  8. Charlee: "That's some good supervising you guys!"
    Oona: "Oona would encourage more biting of the wires though."
    Charlee: "You know Dada doesn't want us biting wires."
    Oona: "Does Oona look like she cares what Dada does or doesn't want?"


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