Thursday 15 March 2012

Thinly Thankful Thursday...

Oh yes... it's turning out to be one of THOSE weeks around here... Not only have we found out that #1 and Tommy are going off gallivanting all day today on horse business, but that they are actually abandoning us tomorrow and for the whole weekend! Their paltry excuse is that Mr. R and Ms. A have to go to a wedding in England and someone has to go and look after "the girls" up in Normandy. Ha! And who looks after US, then? Nothing more than three visits a day... I ask you? How can that possibly be enough?

I am not pleased...

Not one bit...

In fact, I DECREE that #1 is not allowed to go away again after this!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I can just feel it in my bones that they're going to steal my SEIturday post this week, so I am taking advance measures. So there!


  1. Gosh what an active week you are all having!
    Hope #1 and Tommy have a great time.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  2. We are really looking forward to Tom and #1's visit. Sorry Sei chan but it's not for very long...

  3. Put your paw down, Sei-Chan. You show #1 who the boss is! (but you might need to do it out of Tama's hearing, in case she trys to put HER paw down and remind #1 who the boss is).

  4. I don't know how you cope with such neglect...LOL!!!

    Safe travels #1 :-)

  5. How awful being abandoned again - and on horse business too - what about cat business at home we ask?
    Only three visits a day is not enough - we're sure you could get her arrested for long distance neglect!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. Gee!! You are not getting any respect!
    Make sure you get extra attention when #1 comes back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We still do not see how she could leave you though :/
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  7. That is just so disturbing. I think you are smart to take advance measures too.

  8. I can see why you are a bit grouchy today, Sei!

  9. Hmmm.Definite neglect...but then again, your collar is very fashionable...and you furs glossy and lovely...and you seem to have plenty of fabulous beds to lay about um...perhaps the mutiny isn't necessary afterall...
    Have fun while #1 is away...cats should play :)

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  10. You're so adorable when you are angry!

  11. Sorry #1 is leaving. We are happy mum is stuck with us at home for now.

  12. No, you don't look happy, but 3 visits a day is pretty good!

  13. Three visits! We only get two when our mom travels. :-( But we understand you're used to un-divided attention! It's only a couple of days, thought, and Tommy's surely looking forward to seeing Emily. Be happy for him. You can make a big kitty pile while they're away...

    Lizzie & 3 kitties

  14. Sei-Chan, you have to sit on #1 so she can never leave the house again!

  15. Oh dear. It must be hard for you just to have 3 visits! The Decree is a very good idea. We are sure #1 will have to obey!

    the amigos and san

  16. Thei-Chan, we think you were very wise to slip in a post today, but we think you should put your paw down and demand that Saturday too.

    Meanwhile, we hope #1 and Tommy have a good trip.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  17. You have our deepest sympathies fur your situation. Good idea to post early! Stay on your toes, they might try to slip sumthing else past you!

  18. That's neglect. Pure and simple. Shocking.

  19. Hello there to you all again. #1 & Tommy are off on their own? I am sure that Tommy will return with some tall tales...soon. You are looking so well.
    Sending lotsaluv to you all,

  20. Its just not fair Thei-Chan. Call the authorities
    Benny & Lily


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