Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends! You know what the absolute best thing about this week is? #1 is here. All week! She is not going anywhere! Hurrah! By the way, several people asked whether our visitors last week bought any horses. Well, they chose a whole bunch of them but they are now doing genetic testing for a disease called pssm as they will only buy those who are negative, so we are waiting. There are also two other people for whom #1 is finding horses, and collecting mane hair for testing. We shall know more in a couple of weeks.
My little apprentice is now a teenager and he has become rather rowdy. I have had to use strong language with him more than once. But we still do spend quiet times together:
Anyway, I am just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy my week!
PS: I wanted to include a plug for a really yummy food I have been getting lately. Do you love Churu? This is made by the same company, Inaba Ciao from Japan, and is absolutely delicious. #1 ordered it specially for me from the UK and our friends brought it over. She mixes my Zylkene with it.