Wednesday 26 June 2024

White Words on Wednesday


Momo-Chan: Beloved Queen Tama, I promise I will do my very best to protect you from my overly boisterous bros whilst #1 is away. I shall be your Knight in Shining Floof!

I confess that I am sad too because my Ollie disappeared yesterday evening, and #1 tells me he won't be back for a whole week. I love Ollie and I am so going to miss him!

Come back soon, #1!


  1. hugs to you all and a good time for your number one..

  2. Aww, don't worry- everyone will be back before you know it. My dad says you remind him of his floofy white girl Samantha from many many moons ago.

  3. I hope the week flies quickly by for you, Momo.

  4. What a lovely knight you are! We hope time flies, and in the blink of an eye, you will all be together!

  5. Momo, you will be so busy playing knight in shining armor for Tama-Chan, the week will fly by.

  6. Momo-Chan, you definitely are a floof!

  7. Poor Marshallow!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie! Have fun on your khamping 'venture!

  8. Momo, that is so sweet of you. I'm sure Tama will appreciate you defending her from the thugs!

  9. Chaplin: "Good job defending Queen Tama, Momo-Chan!"
    Charlee: "Dogs! They seem to think it's so exciting to leave the house visiting and exploring and going on adventures. I don't understand it at all."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, well, what can we say? It's a canine thing."

  10. You are such a gentleman, Momo. Ollie will be back before you know it.

  11. You are a sweetie guy Sir Momo! I'll bet Ollie misses you too.


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