Sunday 9 June 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Greetings, Dear Friends! This has been quite a pleasant week! #1 has been here, and the sun has mostly been shining! It's still fairly cool for the season, especially at night, but we don't mind. So, we have been happily snuggling away, in one form or another!

Let me start with one of me snuggling with #1, as that was missing from last week's post:

We have mentioned in the past how Ryū-Chan loves to have his ears massaged.

And he loves to snuggle all around!

Here is Benny keeping #1 company first thing in the morning:

And Ollie and Momo!

The Ollie and Benny show goes on and on...

And that's all we have for you today. We wish you a lovely Sunday, filled with love and snuggles.


  1. You all have the greatest snuggles! We have had a couple of lovely sunny days and forecast to continue until Wednesday. The temperature doesn't want to get above 15 with a northerly wind though.

  2. thanks for my early morning SHOW! I get warm fuzzy feelings from your snuggles

  3. So much wonderful snuggling going on. Happy Sunday!

  4. Greetings cat lovers. I'm from Indonesia

  5. So many happy CHATS!

    PeeEssWooL Hi Ollie - NAK is still shaking her head! I'm okay with them and check each day we go out to The KhrossTrek - and those temps are perfect! You've seen we have icky ones headed out way - maybe I should have to go in The Box too!

  6. So many snuggling selfies! Puts my few and seldom snuggles to shame! In my defence, Mrs H snores and is a fidget in bed so it's easier to kick her out onto the floor.... Oh, I wish.
    Have a delightful week, and hopefully, the sun will continue to shine for you all!

  7. Sounds like a great week! Ryu, you are a cutie fur sure. We live 80 miles south of Cleveland and Malabar is pretty much right in the middle of that. Fun to know some of your family did live in Ohio. So very far from France!

  8. We're glad to hear #1 was home with you all week. Those are all great snuggle pictures.

  9. Beautiful snuggles sweeties and you all sure do look happy!

  10. Charlee: "Snuggles and skritches and pets, oh my!"

  11. What a perfect way to spend a Sunday, or any day -- I love it!! ❤❤

  12. We LOVE snuggles on Sunday. It is one of our favorites of the week! (And one of the ones we never miss even when we are not blogging)
    You caught us! We made a mistake on the Meezers Badge and fixed it and sent the right one to the Cat Blogosphere, BUT we had already written the post for Meezers day and had the old one on the post! Mom has been so busy that she wrote the posts a month ago and forgot to fix it! Mom will be much more diligent and she has checked for the other mistake she made in June!
    Keep being awesome!
    Purrs Marvelous Marv


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