Sunday 16 June 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: As we have mentioned, #1 has had a really busy week, and so picture-taking has taken a bit of a back seat . However, Ms. C did take a bunch of pics when she visited Violette and Heloise on Friday, so let us start with those.

As you know, I always snuggle with #1:

As you also know that Benny always snuggles with Ollie:

Here is Momo, hanging out on #1's bed first thing in the morning:

Soon joined by Benny:

As well as Ryū-Chan:

And Ollie getting morning cuddles:

And that's our lot of snuggles for today! We hope you have a lovely and snuggly Sunday!


  1. That is a lot of lovely snuggles from everyone.

  2. love love love the horse snuggles today.. so beautiful. so BIG and beautiful

  3. Love all of the Sunday snuggles.

  4. I think my #1 and I were snuggling like Benny and Ollie last night -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - NAK says BUT THEY ARE KHATS!!!

  5. Those are all great snuggle pictures today.

  6. What a great visit #1 must have had with Violette and Heloise! You all look glad to have her home.

  7. Sunday is the purrfect day for hugs and lovin'!

  8. Lulu: "Snuggles, treats, skritches ... It's the best kind of Sunday if you ask us!"

  9. It's too hot here for snuggling, but we love seeing all of your snuggle shots. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a great week.
    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Those are all such fun photos gang and it is always nice to see your sweet faces.


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