Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Greetings, Dear Friends,  and welcome to my weekly post. As the little pipsqueak said yesterday, the weekend was greatly enhanced by the fact that #1 barely left the house. We are intending to enjoy this week to the full because things are about to go downhill from the middle of next week. More on that another time, though. I don't want to depress myself.

The other day, when #1 had to go for that meeting, she stopped at her favourite discount store and brought back a good stash of goodies for us. I examined everything closely:

Good selection, #1!

You know who has recently taken to hanging out rather close to me...?

As has my little pupil. I am beginning to despair of him since he is in full teenage mode at the moment and I have to speak to him very sternly several times a day.

It's a good job I get my Zylkene+ happy pills every day!


  1. wow that is like finding a ginormous treasure... dig in and enjoy all the good things...

  2. I burst out laughing at the end with the two photos of you peering out from behind the chair leg. you are really in Teen Mode... I know the rest of the household will be glad when your KITTEN ways calm down...

  3. Tama, it looks like #1 is trying to butter you up fur being somewhere next week, away furom you all.

  4. It is good that #1 can depend on you watching out for all the kittens/teenagers, and that you will teach them all how to be good cats by example. Your treats too very good! Linda

  5. That is a wonderful stash of goodies #1 has brought home for all of you. It sounds like you have your work cut out keeping Ryu under control.

  6. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

  7. #1 is an excellent shopper!

  8. WOW, that really is quite the haul of goodies that #1 brought home!

  9. That sure is a lot of treats and food #1 picked up for you all. You are looking great and doing a good job teaching the young one how to behave.

  10. Lulu: "Whoo, that's quite the pile of loot! I'm sure it all passed inspection!"

  11. Good haul from #1. And Tama, are you surprised that everyone wants to be near the Queen?

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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