Monday 10 June 2024

Manly Monday


Benny: Welcome to a brand-new week, friends! It's June and supposed to be warm, but it isn't warm, although at least we have had sunpuddles and #1 has opened the kitchen window. Here I am enjoying some whiffies:

For some unknown reason, #1 took a close-up of my paw:

Ryū-Chan: I know that Momo also likes the window hammock, but I can sneak in sometimes and use it.

And just look at my dangle. I hope Queen Tama is proud of me!

Ollie: As the weather was nice, #1 and I went for a really long walk yesterday morning and we took this fun hay bale selfie:

I have a new halter-like thingie to stop me pulling on walks and #1 is really pleased with it! She says that thanks to it, we can go for longer walks as she doesn't get her arm yanked as before! It's called "2Posh2Pull". Isn't that a great name?

And here is a nice one of me in the garden:

Momo-Chan: I have a couple of pics that were taken by Mr. G.

The Big V: Another weekend, another fancy wedding! Here I am checking out the bride's dress:

And getting an evening snuggle from Mr. B:

We wish you all a very good week.


  1. Lovely photos of all of you. Sunny weather makes everything feel better, but I agree, it is far too cold for June.

  2. yay for the harness, we never used one until Big Boy, I got it because he was the biggest dog I ever walked, both Big and Beau never pulled but I have never walked them not in a harness. so glad you can go on longer walks, yes the dangle is perfection,

  3. I love all of the photos but my favorite ones are the ones of you, Ollie, and that is one very large hay bale! I am so happy that your new halter is working out!

  4. Ryu, Tama has taught you well, Grasshopper. Dangles galore. And what a dress!

  5. So many handsome lookers!
    We like The Dress too -

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - of course, you KNOW our favorite shots!

  6. Handsome guys! I like your foot pic, Benny. It is good to see Vidock loooking so dapper. Linda

  7. Such nice photos gang, y'all look fabulous, but then again you always do!

  8. You boys are all looking fantastic this week.

  9. You all look terrific!
    Our weather has been very up and down; it's going to get near to freezing overnight tonight, but in a few days we'll be in the high 80's F, which is a huge change in a short time.

  10. Wowzers! Look at all the manliness! Mom says she is a little jealous, but Kozmo and Me say that we 2 more than make up for it! Mom, Jo Jo and Cinnamon say that they LOVE Manly Monday! Keep being awesome guys! Head Bonks Marvelous Marv

  11. Love the toe-beans Ryu!!!!
    Momo, Mr G knows how to capture your awesomeness :)
    We love all these pics!!!
    Purrs Winnie and mum

  12. Your photographs are so lovely, it was a joy to see them.

    Thank you for your kind words of sympathy on the loss of my beloved Boo, it meant to much to me that you stopped by and helped us with your kind comfort.


  13. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we have had a cool June here on the coast, too, but they sure are getting roasted if you go inland from us! I wouldn't mind heading in there for a soak in the sun ..."
    Lulu: "You do that. We long-furred dogs are going to stay here in the June Gloom."
    Oona: "Oona loves that close-up of your toe beans, Benny! Her toe beans are much darker than yours. They must be licorice-flavored or something."
    Charlee: "If so, you're safe from Dada trying to eat them."

  14. Your mom should sleep better knowing you are on guard


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