Monday 3 June 2024

Manly Monday


Ollie: Woofs Everyone! Ollie here! We are ready for a new week when we hope that the weather will actually warm up. We were just plain cold over the weekend! #1 says, though, that my smile is more than enough sunshine for her! Isn't that nice of her?

And here is a fun shot that Mr. G took of tongue-out me with my bro, Benny!

He also took this one of Momo which we think is pretty special:

And this one of Ryū:

#1 always says that we are lucky to have such a great photographer in Mr. G!  

As for The Big V, he was doing a high-class wedding at a really fancy chateau over the weekend, and Ms. A sent us these photos:

It is called the Château de Mesnières, in Neufchâtel-en-Bray. Building started around 1500 and was completed in 1550. No doubt, many carriages pulled by fine horses pulled up to it over the necnturies before The Big V, and we are proud that he is continuing a long tradition!


  1. You do have a very sunny smile, Ollie. We had two glorious days over the weekend, but now we are back to overcast.
    You are all looking handsome and manly, but Vidock I have to say you look more than handsome, you are magnificent.

  2. oooh wow that sure was a dream wedding... and with the big v it was extra great. have a good start into a new week, we hope for some sun here too...

  3. the photos of the wedding are like a Cinderella wedding. the perfect spot. everyone of you is looking great and cool. hope you get some warm sunshine, we need to figure out how to swap weather over the internet

  4. You are such a handsome boy with such a winning smile, Ollie, and I sure wish that I could have been invited to that wedding!

  5. The bride and groom should have been delighted with Big V delivering them. And Momo, what floof.

  6. Mr G has outdone himself! Momo peeking? It looks like Big V had a pretty special weekend.

  7. You boys are all looking great today. That sure is a magnificent castle that Vidock worked at. We're always in awe of the centuries old buildings that are found in Europe.

  8. Great manly shots from all, but we sure are impressed with that awesome first photo of you, Ollie - so handsome!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Such a happy smile Ollie and y'all are looking great! Big V, you sure look fancy!

  10. You are welcome to come and enjoy our warm days - and once again, all the pictures are great!

    PeeEssWoo: Ollie - once again NAK says THOSE ARE CHATS!!!

  11. I hope you get some warmer days with lots of sun

  12. What handsome men! Vik seems to like his work, too. Linda

  13. Java Bean: "Ayyy, it's a very manly Monday indeed!"


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