Friday 7 June 2024

Feline Friday


Benny: I am a GOOD BOY, despite the names that they keep calling me! Just look at me hanging out peaceably on the same dining room table/work area as Queen Tama!

Plus, I am a high-class kitty and appreciate good Champagne!

Here is my bro, Momo, doing the box thing...

And Baby Ryū's dangles certainly are coming along!

Wishing you all a nice Friday!


  1. Wow, that Ryū has some dangle all right! And let's hear it for champagne...(still having to click on anonymous and choose Name/URL. No matter.

  2. You may be relaxing peacefully but Queen Tama still has her eye on you!
    Momo is looking cute in the box, and Ryū is becoming an expert dangler.

  3. Dangles and boxes and good champagne, if I got on the table, my mom would go insane...

  4. Benny looks like a good boy to me! Linda

  5. Kitties have always been welcome on the counters and tables here. We share and share alike. You look like you picked a good vintage, Benny.

  6. boxes and dangles, also some tangles. love it. hope you did not get to HIGH on the champagne .

  7. Happy Friday, Yay! Yeah, I think all of us kits get the bad cat bit now and then.

  8. Those were all wonderful photos gang! Enjoy your Friday!!!

  9. You kitties are all looking great! It nice of you to show proper respect to Queen Tama.

  10. Charlee: "Our Dada is also a fan of champagne! If you have any left, I'm sure he'd be happy to help you with it ..."


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