Saturday 15 June 2024

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: #1 is crazy busy at the moment, working on four different projects simultaneously, so she doesn't have as much time as usual to go through photos for our weekly Rainbow post. I told her it would be fine to do a somewhat curtailed post this week, so here goes, starting with Blue Boy Genji:

Here is our Tommy, all ready to go for a walk with #1 way back when:

Me in my inquisitive mode:

Da Beebs looking pensive in his sky hammock:

Beautiful Hotesse and #1:

And handsome Trav:

We'll try to have a more complete set for you next week.


  1. Tell your mom she can always take a day or two off from posting which is what I do when I get to where I can’t keep up. I love seeing all your angels today

  2. This was a lovely post, not too short, not too long, just right. And 4 projects!

  3. Thank you for taking time to show these lovely cats, dogs & horses. I knew them from your blog, so it is heart warming to see them. Linda

  4. All purrfect - and NEIGH!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - still hard to believe it was just last Saturday we dropped off the things to be boxed for the trip!

  5. We love seeing you Celestials.

  6. Those are all great memories of the Rainbow Gang.

  7. Those were all just the sweetest memories.

  8. Sweet Sei - every photo is wonderful and brings back lots of memories to our Mom who knew all of you.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Charlee: "We always love a visit from you angels, abbreviated or not!"
    Java Bean: "I feel you waiting for your walk, Angel Tommy! I stand like that myself sometimes!"


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