Saturday 22 June 2024

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: Hello, Dear Friends and warm greetings from all of us at The Bridge. We miss you all and wish we could still purr in your ears. 

From time to time, we like to go way back in time to #1's beginnings as a cat owner. She was living in Tokyo and had always wanted a cat. In September 1992, a 7-week old Abyssinian kitten came into her life, and that was the start of a life-long love of the breed. She named the kitten IKKYU, after an illustrious Buddhist monk who was famed for his wisdom and sense of humour. The two lived happily together for almost 15 years, in four countries and three continents. He was definitely a one-person cat who loved only her, but boy, did he love her! So, let's take a peak at their lives together, from 1992 to 2007.

Ikkyu was much loved and, even though he has now been gone for so many years, #1 often thinks of him and all the fun times they shared.


  1. before I found your blog, I had never seen or heard of this breed. So sweet so cute and I know the feelings in your heart when you archive dive because I do that with our dogs. I still get teary eyed when I browse photos of Big Boy

  2. These are all adorable photos of Ikkyu, from the tiny baby he was to the handsome adult he became.

  3. Oh those first few photos tug my heart strings. It has been so very long since I've had a kitten in the house. He was so very tiny and beautiful.

  4. Angel Ikkyu's images show just how delightful he was.

  5. How wonderful to have loved such a sweet can, and to have been loved back so completely. Linda

  6. What a cutie you were, Ikkyu!

  7. Such a wonderful look back at sweet Ikkyu, lovely memories and lovely photos.

  8. Dangling AND contemplating testing the laws of CHAT Physics!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie- soon time to head out into The Heat Dome - for breakfast and then our CSA - then back HERE!

  9. Such a handsome boy!!! Beautiful photos, especially the one with the tulips.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Ikkyu Chan was so cute an then so hansum!! No wunder #1 fell inn love with Abby breed!!! #1 you nose BellaSita Mum still meows to mee about Simpson her ferst cat who was 1/2 Abby herself!!! May all yore fotoss an memoreess warn yore hear #1.
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  11. Charlee: "Angel Ikkyu sure was a handsome fellow! We love his stretch in that one picture!"


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