Sunday 23 June 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Welcome to our weekly SoS post, Dear Friends. This will be our last SoS post for a couple of of Sundays as #1 will shortly be abandoning us to go to England. She has been pretty good about being around the last few weeks, so we have been able to 'stock up" a little. Needless to say, we will be wonderfully well taken care of by Mr. G.

So, onto the photos. Even though they are not the best, we thought we would start with a couple of #1 and Miss Violette:

We like Violette's smile in this next one!

Next we have a couple of little dragon, Ryū-Chan, with #1 as she lay in bed:

A perfect shot of Ollie and Momo:

A fun selfie of Ollie and #1 spoorting her new Tractor Supply cap, gifted her by Willow's Mom, Phyll:

The usual duo of Ollie and Benny:

A slightly blurry one of Momo and Benny on #1's bed in the morning:

And here are Ryū, Benny and Ollie on the bed!

Last but not least, here I am with #1:

We'll be blogging as usual until Wednesday after which things are going to get very intermittent until #1 gets back on July 12th. #1 will either be moving around a lot, or will be very busy stewarding at the Hartpury Festival of Dressage from June 30th until July 7th. We hope that Mr. G will take some photos that we can share with you when we can. We will probably be MIA when it comes to commenting a lot of the time. Please forgive us.


  1. They are all lovely photos. I hope #1 has a great time in England.

  2. All great photos but our favorite has to be the selfie of Ollie and #1 sporting her pretty pink cap!

  3. We are so furry glad to see you today. England! Can't wait to see what and why. Violette looks lovely.

  4. So many pawsome pictures - and SNUGGLES!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Duke is right - that shot is our favorite too!

  5. you are already forgiven, and don't work to hard and have a lot of fun when you can... LOVE that smiling horse and the fluffy duo ad the little dragon... in fact I love every single photo

  6. First up, we wish #1 very safe and happy travels to the dressage here in the UK. I'm sure she'll love it. If the event is in an outdoor arena, we're keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays clement.
    Oooh, such lovely bedtime snuggles. I need a bigger bed so I can get some rest not to share. You all are so good at that.

  7. Fun snuggles and I love all of those happy smiles!

  8. Those are all great snuggle pictures! We hope #1 has a good time on her adventure and know that Mr. G will take great care of you all.

  9. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we are trying to decide who is fluffier, Ollie or Momo, but we cannot do it."
    Lulu: "Safe travels, #1!"

  10. Beautiful snuggles. We love the one of Ollie and Momo. And the last one with Tama is just so special.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Those pictures are cute enought to hold us over until you can post on Sunday again.


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