Friday 14 June 2024

Violette & Heloise Vendredi


Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! Have you missed us? Whereas that Big V struts his stuff every week on Manly Monday, it's been an age since we got any blog time! #1 did come to see us late last week and she is coming again today, hopefully with lots of apples and carrots. Here are some pics from her last visit.

Heloise was the first one over. She is quite a few years younger than me, of course!

I take my time, like the lady that I am!

Pssst... you want to hear a secret? Heloise had a "renday voo" with a handsome boy recently! She may be gifting us with a baby in another 10 months or so! But it's early days yet. We're crossing everything that all will go smoothly.

It is my role as a big sister to watch over, a little like Queen Tama watches over the youngsters at Poupounette Cntreal.

We hope you're bringing lots of apples and carrots, #1!


  1. That is exciting news for Heloise. I hope everything goes well.

  2. it is so good to see you again, all of you really large horses just make me feel gooey inside.. so beautiful... wow on the new baby..

  3. I love seeing you, Heloise and Violette Linda

  4. Rendy Voo? Heloise, can't wait to see a baby horse!

  5. It's so nice to see you two and such big news today, WOW!!!

  6. Paws crossed for a healthy horsePUPPY!

    So nice to see you two too!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - did Benny steal that fish yet?

  7. You girls are looking as lovely as ever. We have our paws crossed that all goes well for Heloise.

  8. Good luck on your date, and may all your children be masculine children.

  9. How exciting for Heloise ! We hope everything goes well for her. Purrs

  10. Lulu: "Ooh, there might be a little H joining the big H? We send lots of tail wags for a good result!"
    Charlee: "And we cats send purrs!"


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