Friday 28 June 2024

Feline Friends on Friday


#1 here, posting from England. As you can probably imagine, my meanderings in England are unlikely to be cat-free. I have shared time with some lovely felines already and thought it would be nice to introduce them to you. 

First are Sherlock and Perdie, two fine felines who reside with Ms. N and Mr. M in Twickenham. They arrived some months ago, after the loss of the great Hector who had lived to the grand old age of 19. They came as a bonded pair although it is not clear whether they are related or not. Sherlock is much bigger than Perdie, but also quite a bit more shy. Let's start with a couple of photos provided by Ms. N:

With a lovely portrait of the late, great, Hector:

Sherlock was not easy to photograph and this is the best I could do:

Miss Perdie was a lot more amenable to being photographed, thank goodness!

Do you see the beautiful heart on her back?

And look at the amazing "staircase" built by Mr. M so they can go over to the neighbours' garden!

Later the same day, I visited my cousin Mr. C and he ans Ms. K have the most beautiful kitty whose name is Cabbage! In French, cabbage, as in "Chou", is a term of endearment! Cabbage is scared of people she does not know and made a beeline UTB, so I had to ask Mr. C to send me a couple of photos, so you could admire her beauty:

That is floof to rival Momo's!

We hope you have enjoyed discovering these English kitties!


  1. All of those kitties are beautiful. That is a lovely heart on Purdie's back.

  2. ooh how great to start your visit in UK with meeting the most famous detectives ;o)

  3. Purrfect pics!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Having fun with YOUR 'venture?

  4. they are all beautiful! I like the two with the framed cat which is a beautiful photo of 3 sweet cats

  5. Love the heart on Miss Perdie's back!

  6. How fun for you not to be without kitties while so far from home. All three are quite beautiful. What a wonderful portrait to have of an angel too.

  7. How sweet that you are able to enjoy the company of cats (at least the ones that don't hide UTB) while you are away from your own.

  8. How nice that Perdie and Sherlock were able to stay together - both very nice looking. And Chou - her fur rivals ours:

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Those cats are quite pretty and I love the picture of them looking out the window

  10. So now I know why my Mom calls me Chou! We love the photos of the English cats! Do they meow with English accents! Mom says that I speak with a Persian one. Thanks for sharing Sherlock and Perdie and Cabbage with us! And I gotta say, I STILL hiss at Cinnamon (after 7 years) I don't think Nutmeg will ever get on my good side (but my Mom hopes so). Thanks for stopping by and thanks for commenting! We wish we got around more. Purrs Marvelous Marv


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