Thursday 13 June 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ollie: Our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness right now! Yesterday, the UPS man arrived with a package from across the Pond. I was very excited!

The box came from our friend Willow and her #1, Phyll, all the way in Pennsylvania! It was full of the most amazing stuff! It was so nicely wrapped!

Benny made sure it was safe before we started opening the gifts.

And this is what was inside (Queen Tama was also supervising):

A great cuddly toy:

Willow knows that I love soft treats!

This really made #1 smile. Phyll knows that my #1 really likes Tractor Supply, and we don't have them in Europe.

Some lovely horsies!

This beautiful Cardinal! We don't have Cardinals in Europe either. Willow had put this one on her blog several months ago, when they saw it in a shop, and #1 really admired it! Now it has flown across the Atlantic to live with us!

And this really cute little wooden brooch!

The package also included a card and inside that was a bit of Willow hair. It was so great to be able to sniff my distant friend! I shall have to send her some of my curls one of these days!

Thank you so much, Dear Friends, for thinking of us and bringing us Christmas in June!


  1. Such lovely gifts for you and #1 from Willow and her human.

  2. wow, Willow must be kin to Santa Claus, this is most definitely Christmas in June. something for everyone..

  3. Phyll and Willow are always so thoughtful and generous and they sent wonderful gifts!

  4. Wowzer, what a fabulous load of loot! What wonderful friends you have in Willow and Phyll.

  5. This is amazing Christmas in June! How fun and beautiful too. So nice for all of you.

  6. As we've shared with #1, The Box had been coming together for years - starting with The NAT plate that had been amongst the items in TADN's collection - and from there we just added things we hoped would make all smile! We are still stunned it left 'here' Saturday afternoon and made it to you Wednesday! The UPS Store Staff did a great job with the boxing and wrapping too!

    Willow and Phyll
    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - So glad you got to snoof me!

  7. Not to make #1 envious, but when I drive to my hair salon, I pass two Tractor Supply stores, so I get my fill of wandering the aisles looking for interesting stuff. In fact, the large oval feed containers we use as litter boxes here are from Tractor Supply; the high sides and no corners make them ideal for our situation.

  8. What a great pressie package Willow and Phyll sent all of you. We love our cardinals here.

  9. What a nice gift you all received - something for all. Ollie, do we sense a romance brewing between you and Willow?

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Oh that was so sweet with so many pretty and nice goodies!

  11. Those a great gifts. You inspire your friends to be kind

  12. Lulu: "Scent mail across the ocean! What a great idea!"
    Chaplin: "Hmm, we cats would probably try to eat the fur. We are always doing things like that."


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