Thursday 6 June 2024

Thankful Thursday


Momo-Chan: Hi everyone, your favourite fluff-puff here! Remember last week's post with little Ryū going on about the new hammock he had found? Well, it took time but I found it too, somewhat to my bro Benny's surprise:

#1 added a soft blankie on there, to make it even more comfortable!

It is just perfect for a long afternoon nap!

Can I help you with something, #1?

I see. You are just admiring my dangles...

And then she went outside and took this fun photo of me, in which you can see the reflection of the clouds and the scenery! Isn't it cool?

I am thankful for this truly fabulous hammock!


  1. That last photo is absolutely priceless! It looks like a fantasy the clouds are inside the house. What a wonderful do you have from your hammock both inside and outside

  2. You look very happy in your hammock, Momo, and the last picture is worthy of framing!

  3. What an incredible view Momo! And that soft blankie fur comfurrt.

  4. You look very relaxed doing your dangles in the hammock, Momo. Ryū will be disappointed to see you have taken it over. Maybe you can make room for him. The last photo is lovely, it looks like you are outdoors.

  5. Marshmallow is ALL OVER it!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - When #1 comes home today, it will be weekEND!

  6. Cool photos! Linda

  7. I need to send mum shopping for one of those hammocks! They look so comfy.

  8. I wonder if Ryu might join you on the hammock and if #1 might take a photo from the outside of the two of you...

  9. That really is such a wonderful hammock and the photo with the cloud reflection is beautiful!

  10. You sure look comfy hanging out on that hammock, Momo. We think you've taken excellent lessons from Tama-Chan on how to dangle.

  11. That is the highest hammock I have ever seen. It is an upper bunk witih no lower

  12. Maybe another of those hammocks is in order - is there another available window? BOL. That shot #1 got from outside is beautiful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Charlee: "Highest cat wins! Looks like that's you, Momo!"


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