Tuesday 11 June 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: There was I, all warm and fuzzy because #1 was here with us, and where is she today? Gone is where she is! OK, it's only for the day but still... We want her here! And to make matters worse, she did say that we should enjoy it while we can because things are going to start getting busy later in June and then who knows? Sigh...

We have had some pretty nice sunpuddles:

I continue to help #1 with work. She needs it as she has been really busy of late.

Oh, and I took this nice profile selfie. You know it's a selfie because the background is the wrong way around!

Ultimately, though, my favourite beddie is still best!

Wake me up when she's home!


  1. At least one day isn't too bad. Snuggle up in your beddie and don't think about it.

  2. sorry you are home alone, at least you have plenty of feline/canine company.. your profile is purrrrfect

  3. Dear Tama-Chan, your #1 certainly does not live a cats life. Always on the go. Catch her when you can!

  4. Then make sure to make the most of your #1 time!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - we just checked the tracking - delivery has been moved up to EOD Thursday - it went out of Philadelphia and now seems to be on the other side!

  5. Mum is gone a bit more now too. Nice weather and all.

  6. The back-paws-out pose at the bottom is delightful, Tama-Chan.

  7. You are looking as lovely as ever, Tama-Chan. That favorite bed sure looks comfy.

  8. She'll be back, Tama. Enjoy your wonderful sunpuddle!

  9. You are so pretty sweet Tama and #1 will be back before you know it!

  10. Haiiii. This is my first time visiting your blog. This is very good, I also have a blog. Warm greetings, always healthy

  11. Tama, you always have so many entertaining shots, but the first and the last are winners with us.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Charlee: "Sleeping in sun puddles until #1 gets back seems like the only reasonable thing to do in this situation!"


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