Tuesday 4 June 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Well, the sun finally came out yesterday and the temps crept up a little although it's still pretty cool at night. We are enjoying having #1 here and the forecast is for more sunpuddles.

Oh! You caught me by surprise there!

Let me rearrange myself a little!

Now that's better.

The kitchen tree and chair offer good sunpuddling!

I shall leave you with this shot of me relaxing with little "fluff puff" Momo. He truly is a gentle soul, unlike the two Ts, Thug and Tornado


  1. We have returned to dull damp weather. I suppose the weekend was our summer! It looks like Momo likes to be close to you.
    Thug and Tornado made me laugh.

  2. We hope you get the sunpuddles today. We have it steamy today and rain tomorrow. The Tama-Chan dangles are purrfect.

  3. Your facial expression in the third picture that says now that's better is absolutely hilarious and I did get a laugh out loud moment. As always you look adorable no matter the position

  4. Tama-Chan, a good whappy paw, and you'll regain control.

  5. Ha! Love The T's!

    Nice Queen shots too!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - it's gotten a bit too warm here again - with icky humidity -

  6. You are such an adorable cutie sweet Tama. Howdy Momo! Tell #1 I sent her an email.

  7. You look very relaxed and as beautiful as ever, Tama-Chan.

  8. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day and that Ryu and Benny enjoy their antics in another part of the house ;)
    Purrs Winnie

  9. You sure look very happy enjoying your sunpuddles, Tama!

  10. We have some pretty nasty humidity here and severe storms coming in overnight AGAIN!!! Tama, it seems like you can lie in any spot at all and you always look beautiful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. There is nothing better than a warm sun puddle

  12. Charlee: "You take as much time as you need to arrange yourself, Tama-Chan! It's important for a cat to project maximum dignity!"


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