Thursday 20 June 2024

Thankful Thursday


We kitten boys are thankful that every morning and every evening, we can line up in the bedroom and get delicious treats!

Love from Benny, Momo and Ryū.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Greetings, Dear Friends,  and welcome to my weekly post. As the little pipsqueak said yesterday, the weekend was greatly enhanced by the fact that #1 barely left the house. We are intending to enjoy this week to the full because things are about to go downhill from the middle of next week. More on that another time, though. I don't want to depress myself.

The other day, when #1 had to go for that meeting, she stopped at her favourite discount store and brought back a good stash of goodies for us. I examined everything closely:

Good selection, #1!

You know who has recently taken to hanging out rather close to me...?

As has my little pupil. I am beginning to despair of him since he is in full teenage mode at the moment and I have to speak to him very sternly several times a day.

It's a good job I get my Zylkene+ happy pills every day!

Monday 17 June 2024

Manly Monday


Ryū-Chan: Meows, Everybody! It's your favourite little dragon here! Did you all have a good weekend? We did! #1 was home all weekend! She said I could host today's manly post because I am now a big boy. How about this pic of me?

Or maybe this one looks more manly? Yep, that's our Queen and my mentor behind me.

Here is one of my floofy bro, Momo, doing his yoga exercises on the window hammock:

And one of him doing some serious dangling!

My other bro, Benny, has taken possession of Ollie's new fishie toy, sent to him by his friend Willow in Pennsylvania!

It's gotten cold and rainy again, so we haven't been opening the kitchen window much. Here is one of Benny taken when it was still warm and sunny:

#1 is rather taken with this one of Ollie, with a bit of Momo floof resting on his head!

And here is one of him taking cover from the rain under some foliage in the garden:

The Big V hasn't sent over any new photos, so we'll cross our paws and hooves that we'll have some for next week.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: As we have mentioned, #1 has had a really busy week, and so picture-taking has taken a bit of a back seat . However, Ms. C did take a bunch of pics when she visited Violette and Heloise on Friday, so let us start with those.

As you know, I always snuggle with #1:

As you also know that Benny always snuggles with Ollie:

Here is Momo, hanging out on #1's bed first thing in the morning:

Soon joined by Benny:

As well as Ryū-Chan:

And Ollie getting morning cuddles:

And that's our lot of snuggles for today! We hope you have a lovely and snuggly Sunday!

Saturday 15 June 2024

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday


Rainbow Sei: #1 is crazy busy at the moment, working on four different projects simultaneously, so she doesn't have as much time as usual to go through photos for our weekly Rainbow post. I told her it would be fine to do a somewhat curtailed post this week, so here goes, starting with Blue Boy Genji:

Here is our Tommy, all ready to go for a walk with #1 way back when:

Me in my inquisitive mode:

Da Beebs looking pensive in his sky hammock:

Beautiful Hotesse and #1:

And handsome Trav:

We'll try to have a more complete set for you next week.

Friday 14 June 2024

Violette & Heloise Vendredi


Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! Have you missed us? Whereas that Big V struts his stuff every week on Manly Monday, it's been an age since we got any blog time! #1 did come to see us late last week and she is coming again today, hopefully with lots of apples and carrots. Here are some pics from her last visit.

Heloise was the first one over. She is quite a few years younger than me, of course!

I take my time, like the lady that I am!

Pssst... you want to hear a secret? Heloise had a "renday voo" with a handsome boy recently! She may be gifting us with a baby in another 10 months or so! But it's early days yet. We're crossing everything that all will go smoothly.

It is my role as a big sister to watch over, a little like Queen Tama watches over the youngsters at Poupounette Cntreal.

We hope you're bringing lots of apples and carrots, #1!

Thursday 13 June 2024

Thankful Thursday


Ollie: Our hearts are overflowing with thankfulness right now! Yesterday, the UPS man arrived with a package from across the Pond. I was very excited!

The box came from our friend Willow and her #1, Phyll, all the way in Pennsylvania! It was full of the most amazing stuff! It was so nicely wrapped!

Benny made sure it was safe before we started opening the gifts.

And this is what was inside (Queen Tama was also supervising):

A great cuddly toy:

Willow knows that I love soft treats!

This really made #1 smile. Phyll knows that my #1 really likes Tractor Supply, and we don't have them in Europe.

Some lovely horsies!

This beautiful Cardinal! We don't have Cardinals in Europe either. Willow had put this one on her blog several months ago, when they saw it in a shop, and #1 really admired it! Now it has flown across the Atlantic to live with us!

And this really cute little wooden brooch!

The package also included a card and inside that was a bit of Willow hair. It was so great to be able to sniff my distant friend! I shall have to send her some of my curls one of these days!

Thank you so much, Dear Friends, for thinking of us and bringing us Christmas in June!