Thursday, 26 March 2009

Thursday with Tommy

Tom: We're a little late in posting on our blog today. #1 got a call from the blood bank in Chartres and went off for a blood plasma donation, so she left immediately after our walk this morning. But now she's back, and all is right with the world again!

To be honest, I am somewhat short on exciting news today. It has been cold and very grey the last couple of days, and it's supposed to start raining later this afternoon, so we just went out for a little post-late lunch walk up the lane and back. Looking at other blogs, I realise how very lucky I am that I am allowed to run free most of the time, so I can really run fast and feel as though I am flying:

#1 says this is because we live in the country and because I am very good boy, and have never gone off by myself, even when tempted by woofie friends (ViVi, for example, is terrible - she gets out of the door and is gone!). But see for yourselves:

You wouldn't hesitate for a moment to trust this face, would you?


  1. We trust you!

    You look lovely when you fly.

    Abby & Stygia

    Tama-Chan, you can tell us what you do, we won't tell anyone!

  2. You are completely trustworthy, Tommy. And very handsome, too!

  3. I can tell just by looking into your eyes that you are to be trusted!

  4. hi Tom, you are a very good boy and extremely handsome also. we totally would trust you.

    being off leash is the BEST. our mom lets us go off leash a lot too, except when we are going for walkies around the neighborhood - leashes are required and too many busy streets. that's scary. but at the dog park and out in the country we get to run free - that's the way it's supposed to be. we love it.


  5. You're a lucky and handsome boy, Tommy! And completely trustworthy!
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  6. Just the sight of those flying ears would be enough for me to let you run!

  7. Oh, no, Tommy. You would never leave your #1 or your Tama-chan. You're a very trustworthy fellow!

  8. You look very wise in that photo, Tom. So wise that I am sure you considered the Art of Running Away is not in your best interests....or worth the effort.

    I share your wisdom. I am happy to stay by my Alphas, where I know all good things come from.

    And of course that was Sir Kitty! Only a tiny ball of fluff could fly up a pants leg!

    Your pal,

  9. Well yeah I would always trust that face!! Some woofies are good like that and others are more devious...hehe.


  10. Glad you can be trusted. Mom says we have very trusting faces too but no way can we run free:-( As long as we get our walkies, that's OK with us. We have a big backyard where we can run around.

    You are very beautiful.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  11. You are lucky. Momma doesn't trust us at all, but we live near the turnpike and she says it is just too scary. I like your action flying photo.


  12. Well, would woo trust my face?

    PeeEssWoo: I'll give woo a hint: NO!

  13. Great flying spaniel ears Tommy. Of course your #1 can trust you!

    Your friend,

  14. I'd trust you with my life Tommy!

  15. We think you look completely trustworthy, Tom! and we love your flying ear flaps!

  16. OHhh, you look very trust-able!


    Licks and Wags

    Tuffy of Dog Woods

  17. Oh are completely trustworthy...and you look very handsome:)


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