Monday, 16 March 2009

Manly Monday!

Tom: Yes, I am still wearing my bandage. #1 kept it off most of the weekend but the wound is taking a very long time to heal and she decided it might be better to have it back on during the day, when I am running around, looking MANLY...

... Playing HIDE...

... and SEEK!

As to the Tiny Mancat in Training in the back room, he is busy conquering #1:

and her shoes!

Oh, and more signs of spring for you!


  1. Hi Guy's it time to blog!
    An other sunny day is coming: enjoy!

    ViVi & AB

  2. P.S.: Mom and Siena are happy about Spring too. They spent the Sunday planting lettuce and rhubarb, transplanting stuff, etc. I was locked inside as always. Hrmpf!
    Purrs, Chilli

  3. You look very mainly Tom. We hope your wound heals soon.

    We bet the Tiny Mancat has already conquered #1

    ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis, & Fenris

  4. Bandage or not, you are very manly Tommy! Enjoy spring.

  5. Look at those eyes! Now that's a little boy who likes what he is looking at:)

    Tom, you're doing a great job of keeping the internet handsome:)

  6. Shoe-killing is a very mancat thing to do!

  7. Tom,
    You are definitely in your element in the springy outdoors. We hope your paw "gets well" soon.

    Ahh, little Sir, is your secret name Don Juan-Chan of the Unraveled Shoelace?

    Abby & Stygia

  8. What a Manly Monday!

    Woo are soooo furry welkhome to khome hang out with me!

    PeeEssWoo: That Sir is going to be a pawful fur #1!

  9. Thank you for the pictures of Little "Red", it's quite made the girls day as they celebrate turning 1 month old! :) As you can see BG loves the little balls you sent over for them...


  10. Shoes are so much fun to play with!

  11. Great pictures. Spring is coming!!! And Sir is getting around. When is he going to meet the rest of the gang? We can't wait.

  12. Hooray for it being almost Spring time! We love your pictures and the little guy certainly is coming along isn't he?

    Benson and Gibson

  13. Hahah Tom you do not hide very well I spotted you easy!! hehe
    I thinks number one is doing the best thing for you, leaving the bandage off when you is inside for you to lickity it and putting the bandage on when you is outside for it to stay clean :)When we get older things take a little longer to heal... as long as there is no infection of course :)
    pes: I think little sir conquered everyone with his very first introduction :p hehe

  14. The tiny mancat in training is adorable. Bandage? Are you ok? My mom has been so busy we will scroll down your other posts. Sorry I have not been around much.
    Signs of spring are everywhere! Yay!

  15. oh sen cahn you is so manly indeed! Sir is getting manlier everyday!!

  16. Definitely looks manly with the bandage :)

    Happy Spring!

  17. Tom yoo look furry 'cited wif yer tongue hangin out like dat. Dat sure is a big hill to climb to get to da castle, is dere a girl doggy waitin fer yoo sumwhere round dere?

  18. That little kitty is so cute and you are so manly! And you are manly even without your bandage so we hope you heal up quickly and can leave it off for good!

  19. Tom you are definitely very manly! Little sir could fit inside of #1s shoe!!

  20. Hee hee~~
    That is very cute of you, Tom~~

    And I just love seeing kitten playing shoes, horray~!

  21. Hi Tom, we hope your foot will heal soon, otherwise our Meowmy will worry. And that little red guy is soooo cute! He seems to know all about making eye contact with beans!

  22. Tom, nothing wrong with wearing your bandage as long as you need it.

    Sir, it's shoe-time.

  23. Hi Tama-Chan! There's is something impawtant concerning you at my bloggie today.
    Purrs, Chilli

  24. Tama-Chan, I think you will love Little "Red", I mean my youngest daughters both seem to think he's the best thing since Mothers Milk! ;) Oh sorry, BG says since Mothers Milk and the invention of chickens! *giggle* She says he's so cute she's actually share her ball with him, but she still won't let LG or Boy play with it... ;) LG says she'd pose really sweetly for him and give him her very best sweet kitty face look!

    It seems I must have words with Solo about his girls, as I'm aware that their older half sister Kiri has a real eye for the boys and tells everyone about it as often as possible too! ;)


  25. You look great out there Tom! Hope that foot heals up real quick!!

    Lovely signs of Spring.

    We are still under a blanket of snow. Blah, blah, blah.

    Hi Tama-Chan and "Sir'!! Some great photos of you this past week! We are catching up!

    Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

  26. Very nice he-dog pose. Sometimes just a subtle show of your fine self is all the ladies need to go wild.


  27. Too bad about the bandage going back on, but you are still very handsome. Sir Kitty sure likes that shoe.

    Tail wags, the OP Pack

  28. I hope you are all better soon!


  29. Tom, we always look forward to seeing your fun adventures. You're doing a great job of playing hide and seek. It looks like Sir is winning the battle with the shoe.


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