01. What is your name? Virginia. The following answers must all begin with the first letter of your name.
02. A four letter word? Vein … Got mine poked last week when I gave blood plasma
03. Girl's name: Vivienne - one of my cousins
04. Boy's name: Vivaldi (yes, OK… it’s a surname, but I like his music!)
05. Occupation: Vet (The Guardian Angel who looks after Tom and Tama-Chan)
06. Color: Violet (are there any other colours starting with V?)
07. Piece of clothing: Velvet Cape (once… in my youth…)
08. Food: ”Viking” (what the Japanese call an all-you-can-eat buffet)
09. Item in the bathroom: Vitamins
10. Place/City: Viña del Mar (Tama-Chan’s Grandmama but also a beautiful town in Chile where my brother lives!)
11. A reason for being late: Venue confusion!
12. Something you’d yell: Vale! (did a bit of Latin in my younger days…)
13. Movie: “Vertigo”
14. Something you can drink: Vin Rouge or Vin Blanc (this is France, you know!)
15. Band: Van Morrison (not a band, but he is Van…)
16. Animal: Vicuña
17. Street name: Victoria Row (in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island)
18. Car: V8 (VroomVroom…)
19. Song: “Velocidade” by Cesaria Evora
20. Activity that includes more than one participant: Viennese Waltz!
We would like to tag the moms of our following friends to play: Abby & Stygia, Khyra, 9Kai and Chani, Misha, Velcro, and the crowd at Forever Foster. Have fun!
We suspect that some of you may be expecting a photo of our Mancat-in-Training...
Pretty cool and mancatly for 8 weeks, eh?! In answer to the questions, "Sir" is going for his first round of shots tomorrow, and will be ready to be introduced to Tom and Tama-Chan when his Mama goes home, at some stage over the next week. We don't want to leave her all by herself in the back room as she would get very lonesome.