Tuesday 21 October 2008

She's Here!!!!!

Sen-Chan: Our little sister is here!!! She arrived, as planned, yesterday afternoon. We were all quite surprised when Uncle U arrived, not with one kitten, but with three kittens AND three puppies. Tom will tell you himself about the fun he had with the puppies.  Before they let the kittens loose, they locked me up in my carrier for a little while, which was no fun, but #1 said it was necessary.

They eventually let me out and I spent the rest of the evening trying to make friends with the little furrballs. There were two girls and one boy. The boy, Don Benito, was a little red, like me and we immediately took to one another and played a lot. The girls were a lot shyer. #1 was so proud of me because I did not hiss or spit once (actually, she is now convinced I don't know how to, and she's right). I was very  gentle with the kittens but they certainly did a lot of hissing at me! #1 said it was because they were in a new environment and a little scared. Also, our little princess got a bit of a whapping from one of the Queens at the cattery yesterday, so that made her skittish.

Anyway, we will let her settle in for a couple of days before she introduces herself properly to you, but here are a few initial photos:

Tom: The excitement really has been at fever pitch around here, what with the little fuzzball arriving and my three 'Pei Pup friends coming to visit.  I have been very calm and gentle around the little princess, and I hope she will soon figure out that I make an excellent cuddle buddy.

As for the pups' visit, oh boy that was so much fun! We played and played and played:

I am hoping they will come for another visit at the weekend!


  1. Yeah!! Oh she is SOOOO cute. What an exciting visit and you were so sweet to the little scared kittens. I bet she'll settle in so fast with her new family.


  2. So many things news for the little Princess!
    May be Puppies are too "direct" sometimes?
    We all miss the little Princess allready
    ViVi & AB

  3. What an excellent idea to bring her siblings along! That surely helped her to adjust to the new environment. She's gorgeous! And you were so well behaved Sen-Chan, you'll be the best brother ever.
    Tom, it's so nice seeing you with the pups - did the "shy one" come?

  4. Congratulations! We are so excited for you. We are so proud of you, Sen-Chan, for being such a gentle older brother.

    We wonder who is going to rule the roost at your home?

    Abby & Stygia

  5. Hello Little Princess! Nice to meet you! Tom, if I arrange it with my Mom, can I visit with you and Pie-bies this weekend too?

  6. We are so glad your little sisfur is here!

  7. Yipee!!! We are soooo excited for you and your family!!! She looks like an absolute joy!!!!!

    Tom you look like you were having a great time with those pups!!!

    Enjoy your day!

    Purrs Goldie and Shade

  8. I am so excited that your new little sister has arrived. She is adorable! I can't wait to learn more about her.

  9. Awwww! Congratulations on your new sister!

  10. She is adorable! We hope you 2 become great friends!

  11. HowWondewfulllllllllllll
    Welcome littlepwincess!!!
    I'm suwe bof of you awe supew nice to hew..she is so lucky to be able to join youw family
    have fun
    smoochie kisses

  12. She's so adorable! I'm sure the both of you will be the best of brothers to her.

  13. Very Very Very cute indeed~!!!
    I want to hug them as well~!
    That is just extremely lovely.

  14. We can't believe how big the puppies have gotten! Seems like they were just tiny babies a few days ago. The little Princess is adorable - Mica is smitten over your new kitten.

    Congratulations on your new arrival!

    Your pals,

    Petey and Mica

  15. Sen-Chan, You are SO good! I can not believe you did not hiss once even when getting hissed at :))
    Your new sister is so very beautiful.. I can see why she is the little princess..
    For woofie you sure is having a lot of fun there Tom :)


  16. Congratulations Sweety, not only do you now have a brand new Sister, but you've won a copy of "Life in the Cat's Lane" for you both to review! :)

    Little Princess is such a pretty little thing, I just wanna clean her and play "Mummy Cats and Ickle Baby Kittens" with her! :)

    You're being a wonderful Big Brother Sen-Chan, just like I knew you would be... :)

    Purrs and Kitty Kisses,

  17. That is one sweet Kitty!
    We know you will be the best of friends!

  18. Beautiful..Red cat on a bleu chair..thats very arty:)

  19. Hi Sen-chan and Tom-kun!
    It looks like you guys are having a good time with your sister and friends! You guys are really nice and mature! wags wags

  20. The new little Princess is simply precious! You have an entire menagerie there for the day! How fun!

  21. That was very nice of Uncle U to bring some of the little princess's brothers and sisters to help her adjust to her new home. She is precious!!! Tom, I think you're still a puppy at heart.


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