Wednesday 31 August 2022

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: You won't believe what's happened. I can barely believe it myself! My Noelle had two pups!!! To be perfectly honest, I am not at all sure they are mine, as a guy called Buddy was seen more than once in her vicinity at the "wrong/right" time. But never mind, I will happily help raise them, and I am sure my daughter Lily will help me. They are both little girls. They don't yet have names. One of them will be going to Mc. C's sister, Ms. V, and we don't know yet about the other.

Here is Noelle with the still tiny little bundles.

There will of course be more photos as they start to grow.

Pee S: I don't know any more detail on the coming "storm" than Tama but #1 said to say that the weather is not involved, and it should all be very exciting! Mr. G is on standby!


  1. oooh congrats to two little pups... we hope there is a super home for the one in sight...

  2. Congratulations to Noelle on her two new babies. She is not very loyal though is she Ollie! The "storm" is a mystery!

  3. Congratulations Noelle on the birth of those two
    cute babies!!
    As for the "storm", it could mean lots of company coming, #1 travelling again or lots of work for #1.
    Mum and I are looking forward to more news ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  4. How furry nice to see PUPPIES!

    Of course, it appears this beautiful mama won't khyss and tell!

    PeeEssWoo: Ollie: WOW!!

  5. precious pups, don't be looking at or holding them or one might end up in your house 😁

  6. Lulu: "Hello sweet puppies! Welcome to the great big world!"

  7. Noelles puppies are so cute. We know you will be a good stepdad to them as they grow, Ollie.

  8. What a cute surprise ! Congratulations to Noelle ! Purrs

  9. My goodness Ollie, such a cute surprise for you, I'm sure Noelle wasn't surprised!


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