Saturday 28 August 2010


Hello everyone and welcome to my day of the week. It has been a great week because #1 has been here each and every day!

Let's start with me at the computer, supervising the new post:

Sharing a nap spot with that pipsqueak Bibi:


Up in the sky hammock:

And on my Japanese "zabuton" cushion, making sure my toy is close at paw:

Oh, and I get to spill the beans about where #1 and Tommy are going tomorrow! They are leaving around noon and won't be back until noon Monday. They are heading northwest, to the coast of Normandy, to where Tommy was born! His breeders are hosting a family reunion and belated litter birthday party! We have been told there will be a dozen springers there, including Tommy's mummy, aunt, sisters, brothers etc, etc. Doesn't that sound like huge fun? I wish I could go too. They have promised to take lots of photos.

Don't forget to join us tomorrow for Snuggles on Sunday!

PS: Just one more thing: My brother Yuu-Chan has entered the "Do the Q" competition! You can find his entry here.


  1. Oh so lucky for Tommy! What a great trip! And we love the lovely photos of you all.

  2. Sounds like Tommy is going to have a wonderful trip!

  3. A litter birthday party - what fun!

    Those are all great pictures of you. We LOVE Yuu's entry for the Q. The back toesies make it.

  4. You are so cute!

    OMD...I can't wait to hear about Tommy's party, that sounds so neat!

  5. What fun Tommy and #1 will have at the birthday party with all his family.
    We have been to look at Yuu-Chan's entry in the "Do the Q" contest and we love it.

  6. What a wonderful Seiturday! I really must get some of my mom's old zabuton for my place.

    Loving Yuu-chan's Q!

  7. What a fantastic trip for Tommy and #1 to take. We're sad that Shen's breeder doesn't do this.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. What a fun Sei-turday report! You all have such nice blankies and beds to sleep in...we can see why there's a lot of snuggling always going on at your house.

    We LOVED the Yuu-Q! MOL!

    And we can't wait to see the springer reunion! Tommy is gonna have a blast.

  9. Oooh, Tommy and #1 are going to have so much fun tomorrow! We are excited to see the photos from the family reunion.

    Enjoy your Seiturday, Sei-Chan!

  10. Great Seiturday pikhs!

    Mom and I are SOOOOOO furry jelly about Tommy and #1's trip!

    Mom's babbling something about beaWOOtiful khountryside and I'm thinking about flying ears and running free!

    We khan't wait to read about this!

    PeeEssWoo: OMD! The bidding is making me BLUSH!

  11. Oh Tommy, you are going to have so much fun with that reunion. We can't wait to see all the photos, but we bet you are the most handsome pup there.

    Have a great time.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  12. I can't wait until they are back. I hate it when the family is separated. You are looking very good.

  13. Only an Aby (or perhaps a Somali) would truly understand the importance of keeping a toy close at hand while napping - you never know when the play urge is going to happen!

    I wish I could have a family reunion someday... if only it did not involve a two-hour car trip to Temecula!

  14. The trip sounds great and that sounds like a great competition for Yuu-Chan too!


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