Wednesday 28 August 2024

We Help On Wednesday


Ryū-Chan: #1 is packing her bags and I have decided that I am going with her. She's been stressed and she needs an emotional support cat. What's that, #1? Pets are not allowed? But that's not right!

We boys have all been helping #1 with her packing. It's hard work. She will be wearing her uniform most of the time, so she doesn't need much else, or does she? Momo and I see lots of snacks in there, #1!

What's with the dog toys in the bag, #1? (#1 here. I am planning to see a friend on my one afternoon off, and she has just adopted an adorable Golden retriever puppy named Verdi! This is his welcome home present!).

Benny has been trying to keep #1 from leaving:

Ollie is trying to look as cute as he can so she won't leave:

And Queen Tama is planning to power nap her way through the ten days:

Tomorrow is D-Day!


  1. I am sure when the suitcase comes out you all know what is coming next. the new puppy is precious as are all of you...

  2. Oh my, #1 you need a steamer trunk to pack all the furs into for your trip, lol.

  3. None of the kitties here have experience the suitcase stress, yet. Verdi sure is a cutie pup!

  4. You kitties don't want to be locked in the suitcase for travel time. That wouldn't any fun at all. Verdi is adorable!

  5. What good helpers you have, #1! Such good friends. Linda

  6. Best helpers ever!! Wishing #1 an awesome time!!
    Verdi is adorable :)))

  7. Fur up all of the stuff in that suitcase, then #1 will carry with her your essences.

  8. Lulu: "Road trip! We would love to go!"
    Java Bean: "Have a great time, #1!"
    Charlee: "Trips are overrated. We prefer everyone stays home with us."

  9. Ten days is a looooong time. We say power napping while #1 is away. We are hoping to find coverage of #1's event on the television.

  10. We like #1's packing. Lots of snacks and few clothes. BOL! Our paws are crossed that she has a wonderful time at Versailles. Are the steward accommodations in the palace?

  11. We think #1 needs at least one more suitcase for ALL of you to squeeze into. Adorable GR puppy. Hope Ollie is doing much much better.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. We saw some things on the news today about the Paralympics. We hope they go off perfectly and # 1and all who are helping and competing have a great time (though we know it will be a lot of work !)

  13. I think one of you should squeeze into that suitcase. And even though #1 will be very busy with the Para Olympics, I hope she can take a little time out and enjoy them.

  14. Wow - talk about working hard!

    Oh no #1 - how can you leave all THAT?

    PeeEssWoo: Oh Ollie - she's one tough nut to crack if you weren't enough - and that Golden Retriever - I best not show Auntie Di - she'll be heading across The Pond in NO TIME!

  15. Where is she off to that doesn't allow pets? War?


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