Tuesday 27 August 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: Greetings, Dear Friends, and a warm welcome to my weekly post (there won't be one next week so make the most of this one!). It's been a stressful few days at Poupounette Central and we've all been worried about Ollie. Yesterday, he completely refused to eat and #1 got really worried. So, she took him back to Dr. C in the afternoon and this time they did a full blood panel. The good news is that his results were excellent! Dr. C concluded that whatever Ollie had eaten last week completely messed up his stomach and its going to take a little longer for it to recover. She prescribed a new liquid medication to help settle his stomach, gave him another antibiotic shot, and changed the home antibiotic treatment to something easier on the stomach and with smaller pills. He is also getting Omeprazole for a few weeks. We are happy to say that he had a good meal after he got home yesterday evening! Oh, and they all said that he was the best woofie ever! They just love him at the clinic

At my end, I am resigned to the fact that my #1 is going to disappear for ten whole days. I know that Mr. G will take great care of all of us. This is my resigned face:

I have been thinking about how I can pass the time whilst #1 is away, and decided that I really need to get back into serious dangling. As you can see, I have already started:

It's pretty tiring work!

I suppose I shall also have to spend more time with the black and white of it...

... in between naps in sunpuddles...


  1. dear ollie we send lots of potp to you... can it be from something the farmer put on their fields? we had two sick dogs for one day too.. they liked it to eat the grass next to the fields... we think there was something what caused all this... all our good wishes to youuuuu

  2. Be better please Master Ollie, your furriend June (ps, mine Mommy says the very same medicine helps her tummy!!!) ... and dear kitty friends, be proud of #1 and all she is giving and doing, she'll be back home real soon, and fur sure, she'll miss all of you very much, too!

  3. Sweet Ollie, he is a good boy fur goin' to the doctor. Hopefully he will be very very well soon and sooner. You need to oversee him while #1 is gone.

  4. hugs to you sweet Ollie and I am so happy you were able to eat your dinner last night. hugs and love a POTP coming your way. good idea to practice those dangles.. sorry your #1 will be MIA for a while

  5. We all know #1 is going to miss all of woo!

    But we always know Mr G will fill the role!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Do you have a loyalty card at The Vet? You are surely spend the euros and francs! Now get better and STAY better!

  6. Hello beautiful Tama, love those dangles! Tell Ollie we're all sending POTP for a full and quick recovery!

  7. You are looking as marvelous as ever, Tama-Chan. We are keeping our paws crossed that Ollie is back to normal soon.

  8. ollie we hope you are feeling better

  9. We send you lots of SpanielZen and healing vibes, Ollie. We want you 100% better soon!

  10. Lulu: "Poor Ollie! Whatever that was, DO NOT EAT IT AGAIN!"
    Java Bean: "We send lots of tail wags your way!"
    Charlee: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  11. Gotta keep at those dangles, Tama-Chan.
    Mr. G. is a treasure.

  12. Ollie! I didn't know you felt badly. I am so glad you ate well when you got back home. Feel all the way better quickly! XXOO Queen Tama...have you given any thought to brief visit to all of us...I'm sure #1 has the coordinates to all of us...hop in the tunnel and come over. Me first! Me First!

  13. Dear Ollie, so sorry you have had a rough spell. I hope you are truly on the mend. We know you are all in good hands with Mr G but of course your #1 will be missed. Cuddle up 😻

  14. Poor Ollie. I hope you get the bad stuff out of your tummy soon and feel better.

  15. Poor Ollie and Poor #1. This time the meds HAVE to do the trick. Ollie needs to be back in good shape before #1 leaves. We both get omeprazole every day to help our very sensitive tummies.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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