Tuesday 20 August 2024

Throw-Up Tuesday...


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends. Today is normally my day, but could I ask you for some purrs and woofs for our Ollie? Yesterday, when visiting the horses, he seems to have eaten something he shouldn't have and he has been sick ever since, throwing up quite a lot. #1 has him on meds to settle his stomach and has a slot booked in with Dr. C this afternoon if he has not improved markedly by then. We all know what it's like to have an upset tummy, don't we?


  1. We send you lots and lots of SpanielZen and healing vibes, Ollie. Feel better soon!

  2. Sending purrs and cuddles to that lovely woofie

  3. We send prayers and purrs for Ollie. I do hope it is just a matter of getting it out of his system. Keep us informed if you go to the vet.

  4. we are sending prayers and love to Ollie, we no all about dogs who eat things that make them sick. no fun for dog or humans. hugs sweet Ollie, praying now that you are done with the puking...

  5. Hoping for a quick recovery.

  6. I hope Ollie is soon feeling better and send good thoughts his way.

  7. Poor Ollie, mega prayers from all of us too. I hope you feel all better soon.

  8. We have our paws crossed tight and hope Ollie feels better soon.

  9. Oh dear Ollie, sending many comforting wooo-wooos,

    Timber and family

  10. Oh Ollie!

    That is so not the way to prepare for #1's Birthday!

    We hope you are feeling better!


  11. Purrayers and Power of the Paw and some Elkhound Moose Magic that Ollie is soon better !

  12. Oh dear, all paws crossed for Ollie to be doing much better. Hope the vet can figure it out.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Lulu: "I feel your pain, Ollie! I send lots of tail wags for you to feel better soon!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"


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