Sunday 18 August 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: It has been a good week, Dear Friends. #1 has been here and we have been enjoying quiet times and snuggles with her. We all know how quickly things will change and #1 will indeed be packing her bags in a dozen days to head off to Versailles and the Paralympic Games. So we are savouring every moment with her!

Benny loves giving #1 baths!

And generally snuggling with her.

Ollie is of course always there too!

Those boys enjoy morning bed snuggles! We even caught Momo in this one!

And a friend of #1's managed to catch her snuggling with Ryū!

We wish you all a lovely and snuggly Sunday.


  1. we hope the rest of your day has many more snuggles on this Sunday.

  2. #1 will miss those wonderful snuggles when she is at the Paralympics!

  3. That Benny, he's good fur cleaning up #1. And she is already gonna leave you soon!

  4. Savour those snuggles all you can while you can, I say.

  5. SO many snuggles!

    We hope all of you send #1 some SPECIAL snuggles in a few days - PAWTY TIME!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - tell #1 the lemon cake is SO good - it's the third week in a row they had made it and my #1 got some - it is suppose to rain here today but since we'll be working shortly...

  6. Such sweet snuggling ... and a paws up and cheer for No.1 and her good works!

  7. Enjoy those snuggles before the Paralympics ! Purrs

  8. Nothing finer than those snuggles when the staff team are back and making up for lost time. I wish #1 a wonderful time at the Para Olympics. What a great place to be, support and or work with.

  9. Those are all such great snuggle pictures.

  10. Love to see your snuggles! Hope you have a good week. Linda

  11. You all always have such wonderful snuggles!

  12. It looks like she is savoring every moment with you too

  13. Lulu: "If it's Sunday, it's snuggles. This is a rule that we all love!"

  14. We love your Animal Cracker and envy your lovely trip to the paralympic games. ENJOY!!

    Marjorie at

  15. Lovely snuggles. We might suggest you all get lots and lots of snuggles in all week before #1 leaves. Tell her we hope all goes well for her at the Paraolympics.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. I bet #1 missed those snuggles as much as all you did. Get your fill in before she leaves again!


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