Sunday 4 August 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: It's me again, Dear Friends! I hope you don't mind my repeated appearances! There has been quite a lot of snuggling going on here and, as Mr. G was with us on Friday evening, we have some great pics to share. 

As you know, I do love to snuggle with my #1!

But #1 also got pics of me snuggling with Mr. G and Ms. N!

We have mentioned in the past how Momo acts as though he has been kidnapped and is being tortured whenever he is picked up for snuggles. Well, Mr. G caught another great couple of shots of him in full suffering mode!

Poor boy!!!! Not!!! And as you also know, Benny is the exact opposite!

And Ollie loves a good snuggle too!

But Momo never objects to snuggling with Ollie!

Ryū-Chan also likes to pick the time and place! He was very busy all evening and did not grace us with any snuggles, but he did spend time snuggling with #1 a few days ago:

It was very hot for a few days, but temps have come back down again, so we will be snuggling more!


  1. Time to rename this blog: THE SNUGGLE HOME! (sorry our translator for French wasn't working well)

  2. Snuggles are always welcome and oh so nice!

  3. Holy Crap, snuggle overload! (Dad here)- Mom and Smudge are identical in this way. Whenever we try to pick her up to give her loves she twists, pulls and flays as if she's being tortured and abused. As annoying as it is, I have fun giving her a voice, shouting "Ahhh, you're killing me! Help! Help! Someone, anyone! They're torturing me!"

  4. Oops, sorry- that was supposed to be Momo and Smudge, not Mom and Smudge.

  5. Momo makes me laugh trying to evade snuggles. He doesn't know what he is missing!

  6. We love your repeated appearances Tama! And you all are very fun to watch interacting. I, Yuki-Chan, can enjoy a little snuggling, but my young bro Milo isn't a cuddler at all. We just are all a bit different!
    We are glad that our peeps love us no matter what!

  7. Lovely cuddles. Derby was never fond of being picked up and held either.

  8. No one looks like they are really truly suffering, mol. Happy Sunday

  9. There are kitties who like to choose the time and the lap and those that love being picked up and cuddled....

  10. Those are all great snuggle pictures. We did laugh at the Momo pictures where he does look like he's trying hard to get away. BOL!

  11. Too much heat here for snuggles, even duvet testing has been limited. A nice cool office chair for me! But I do have air con on at night to take the edge off things. Excellent snuggles all round especially from Momo, who is clearly acting up and being the prima donna worried about their hair do and the publicity. 😉
    Have a wonderful cool week

  12. still laughing at you momo. the question is, is a forced snuggle a real snuggle? ha ha. Looks like you don't mind snuggling with canine/feline though. bring on a many snuggle pics as you have. Nothing we like better that seeing snuggles

  13. We always love seeing you sweet Tama and those were all such wonderful photos! Momo, dang, you sure got some big paws!

  14. Marshmallow doesn't care for Human Containment!

    PessEssWoo: HI Ollie...tomorrow is 'Work Like A Dig' Day...and I am doing my shift today!

  15. We never get tired of you, Tama-Chan.
    Those boys are just the silliest, no?

  16. Another special Sunday snuggle day!!! The shots are all so good and filled with love from all the snugglers.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. Lulu: "A Sunday full of snuggles is a Sunday well spent!"

  18. Those were some really good snuggles this week!

  19. Sunday is alright for snuggles
    Let a little hugging in


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