Friday 2 August 2024

Queen Tama's Sweet Sixteen!


#1 here. Dear friends across the globe and the Blogosphere. I cannot even begin to describe the joy that creating this post gives me. When Tama-Chan came to me at the end of October 2008, she was something of a reject, a kitten who was unsellable because she had some minor malformations in her front paws. Tommy and Sen-Chan opened their paws to the cutest little girl ever. In the 16 years that followed, we have been through so many hellos and goodbyes. The world itself has changed so much. And yet my Tama has always been here with me and for me. My rock and my keeper of memories. I am indescribably thankful to her for showering me with so much love and beauty.

I take a lot of photos and so leave you to imagine what 16 years' worth of Tama photos can look like. It has not been easy to make a selection. So, I decided to share some of my favourite photos of her first year here, followed by one photo taken on each of her birthdays. And to finish, I am including a selection of photos that I particularly love, taken over the years.

So, here goes. The first photo is the first photo taken of me with her. She was five weeks old at the time, and still with her Mama and siblings:

And this was her first modelling shot, when she was six weeks old:

Shortly after moving to Poupounette Central:

With Sen-Chan whom she adored and who left for the Bridge just over two months after she arrived:

Tommy adored her and she him:

With her boyfriend, Boubou:

With her kits:

Following the birth of her kits, Tama decided she was now Queen and insisted on suitable jewellery:

Here is her third birthday - 2011

4th Birthday - 2012

5th Birthday - 2013

6th Birthday - 2014

7th Birthday - 2015

8th Birthday - 2016

9th Birthday - 2017

10th Birthday - 2018 

11th Birthday - 2019

12th Birthday - 2020

13th Birthday - 2021

14th Birthday - 2022

15th Birthday - 2023

And here is my miscellany over the years:

Tama's name means "Precious Jewel" in Japanese and that is exactly what she has been to me over the years. Happy Birthday to my beloved Queen Tama and Many Happy Returns of the Day.

Here is her Birthday preview pic:


We would also like to say a big thank you to Ms. Ann of Zoolatry for featuring Queen Tama's Sweet 16 on her blog today and for the lovely Birthday graphics!


  1. ooh you are the most beautiful queen ever.. happy happy sweet 16!!!

  2. Ahhh, how precious and gorgeous you are, Tama!! Happy Sweet Sixteenth Birthday to YOU!!

  3. Every photo is a pleasure to see. Happy birthday dear Tama Chan!

  4. Happy Birthday lovely lady!!! Hugs, Teddy

  5. Happy 16th Birthday, Tama! You are a true beauty!

  6. Happy Birthday to the QUEEN! you are indeed a queen and from birth to now, so beautiful. I enjoyed watching you grow up and my favorites are the ones of you in sunshine, sunbeams show just how amazing you are...

  7. Queen for 16 years...Bravo! We hope you have many more happy years together!

  8. Happy Birthday, sweet Tama! Linda

  9. Happy "YOUR" Day, Beautiful ...

  10. Thank you for inviting us in to share the wonderful memories and Tama-Chan's incredible 16 years with you, may there be many many more.

  11. Happy Birthday, Tama-Chan!
    You were elegant as a kitten, and have remained cool as a cucumber since.
    Hope you have a rockin' fab birthday party.

  12. Happy Birthday! Very fun to see all the photos together.

  13. Happy Birthday sweet Tama Chan!

  14. Happy, happy Purrthday Queen Tama. Lovely memories. You were a cute kitten and now a lovely lady cat.

  15. Such an awesome tribute to a beautiful girl.

    Happy Birthday, sweet girl.

  16. Tama-Chan happy 16th...May there be lots of fishies and fun in your day. I did so enjoy seeing you as you grew from an itty bitty kitty into Queen of your Manor
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. What a posting of so much LOVE!

    Happy Queen Tama-Chan Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Willow and Her #1
    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - it was so nice to see NAT! It's his birthday month too!

  18. Chaplin: "Happy big one-six, Tama-Chan!"
    Charlee: "Many happy returns!"
    Chaplin: "I used to cuddle Dennis just like that! We miss that big goofy floppy-eared boy!"

  19. Tama, yoo were a queen at 5 weeks old in dat furst picture!!!! Happy Birthday Madam!!!

  20. Happy Sweet Sixteen, Queen Tama-Chan! We loved looking back at all those memories of you. #1 and your siblings are so lucky to have such a sweet and wise one like you around.

  21. stopped bye to say Happy Birthday Tama, saw you featured at Zoolatry today. Hope your day’s super great and the year ahead is happy, health and filled with 💙💙💙💚💚💚💙💙💙💚💚💚💙💙💚💚

  22. A very Happy Birthday to Tama Chan! What beautiful pictures of her!

  23. That was such a fun look back at the beautiful you! Happy Birthday sweetest Tama from all of us!

  24. Happy 16th Birthday precious girl! Many happy returns of the day. ❤️Grace

  25. Happy Birthday darling beautiful girl.

  26. Happy Purrthday to Queen Tama !

  27. Happy birthday, dear Tama. We saw you at Zoolatry and sent you wishes there too. From the very first day you were beautiful and have only grown more and more so with each year.

    Woo - Misty and Timber

  28. Happy happy 16th Birfday to you Queen Tama Chan. Wee bow beefore you with REESPECT an Love!!! Yore a beeuteefull an lovely JEWEL fore sure!!! #1 wee think Queen Tama iss yore Soul Cat fore sure!!! ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  29. Happy Sweet 16, Tama-Chan! You are such a beautiful girl and really live up to your name.

  30. And sweet and beautiful as always. A day-late Happy Birthday wishes.

  31. Happy belated Birthday, beautiful Queen Tama ! We wish you many many more to come ! Purrs


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