Sunday 25 August 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to our last SoS post for a few weeks as #1 will be at the Paralympics the next two weekends. So, we will try to fill this post as full as possible of great snuggle pics.

I'll start with this one of #1 and Ollie, taken by Mr. G:

We also have this really nice one of #1 with Violette and Heloise:

There were some really nice photos by both Mr. G and #1 at #1's birthday dinner. We have said this before but Mr. G's Dad is a really kitty magnet! Here he is with me:

And with Benny:

That Benny likes to schmooze with everyone. Here he is with #1's cousin, Mr. P:

And with Mr. G!

Here I am, getting some serious loving from Ms. N:

But #1 will of course always be my #1!

This next photo is blurry but we just wanted to show proof that Ryū-Chan does occasionally take a break from his very busy schedule to snuggle with #1:

And another blurry shot to show that Momo also continues to snuggle with Ollie!

We will close today's SoS post with a couple more pics of #1 with Violette and Heloise:

We hope these will hold you for a while, and wish you all a snuggly and lovely Sunday.


  1. you showed us a great collection. I know you will all miss #1 but so happy you have someone to stay with you that loves you.. love those big horses

  2. Oh goodness, talk about a Snuggle overload!

  3. Bravo!
    Well done!
    Great snuggles for all!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - you feeling better? Your collar always reminds us of the 'no stink' ones NAK and Khousin Emmy wore/wear!

  4. You will miss #1 and she will miss you, but you have got lots of good snuggles before she goes.

  5. Love to see snuggles! Linda

  6. Such a nice bunch of happy snuggles. Tell #1 to be careful and alert on her trip.

  7. Nice snuggle photos. Thanks for visiting us.

  8. Wishing #1 safe travels and light work. You all look so very happy together.

  9. Those are all great snuggle pictures. We hope all those snuggles help all of you remember #1 while she is away.

  10. Great shots - each and every one of them!

  11. Oona: "Snuggles, pets, and head bumps ... Oona loves it all!"

  12. Those are terrific snuggles. I hope they hold you over until #1 returns.

  13. Your mom could give good snuggles to an elephant


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