Tuesday 13 August 2024

Tama-Chan Tuesday


Tama-Chan: It's hot here and I was a little under the weather on Sunday, so #1 gave me a couple of things to make feel better and took great care of me. I am now back to 100%!

When my tummy is upset, #1 often gives me plain yogurt, which I love:

It's important to rest:

The little Dragon kept me company when I was feeling so-so:

And my appetite has now fully returned, which is a good thing given the stash of goodies those nice Japanese ladies brought me!


  1. how great that you are back to 100 % queen of poupounette central

  2. I am very glad you are feeling better again, Queen Tama.

  3. We are happy #1 nursed you back to feeling well!

  4. so glad you are feeling better, and Beau is getting plain yogurt on his two meals each day. a friend said she does that for her OLD dogs and I started doing it about 10 days ago and his stomach is doing so much better

  5. It is good of Ryu to be your companion whilst you recovered. And Precious likes yogurt too, but we do not have it here too often.

  6. Glad to see you are feeling better - and The Young Dragon KhyttyPup - helped watch you!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - can't wait to see some of the pictures of YOU from #1's new khamera!

  7. Glad that #1 fixed you up, Tama-Chan!

  8. We are so happy that you're back to 100%, Tama!

  9. I sure am glad to hear that you are feeling better now sweet Tama!

  10. So glad you're feeling better Tama. Nothing worse than an upset tummy!

  11. We're glad to hear you are feeling better, Tama-Chan. How sweet of Ryu to keep watch over you while you were convalescing.

  12. Java Bean: "Yogurt is good for the tummy!"

  13. I am glad you are feeling better my friend

  14. So glad that you are feeling better, Tama. Plain yogurt is supposed to work like a charm. Mom always used it to give Timber his probiotic. But it did just the opposite for him, so he doesn't get it any more.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. We are glad you are feeling better Tama. A couple of our older cats get "down" sometimes, so maybe we will try some plain yogurt for them too.


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