Thursday 29 August 2024

Travelling Thursday


Benny: This is it! This is the day #1 leaves for Versailles and the Paralympic Games. I told her it would be a great idea to take me along. Even if pets are forbidden, I am a black cat and can be invisible!

So, Ollie is mostly better but still occasionally loses his lunch. #1 is convinced that her stress is stressing him out and he will get better once he is in Mr. G's care, followed by Ms. H's care. They are much more relaxed than #1 at the moment! In the meantime, we're keeping an eye on him, especially his pal Momo:

Little Ryu was quite shocked when he heard how long #1 was going to be gone!

Queen Tama has already started crossing her paws for #1 to have a good time and come back quickly and safely!

At this stage, we have no idea about whether we shall be able to post and/or comment over the next ten days. #1 may find herself with time in the evenings and so able to post, and maybe not. We just don't know. So, please bear with us, and be well, friends!


  1. we wish your number 1 a super time... we saw the opening party yesterday...

  2. You are a good nurse, Momo, taking such good care of Ollie. We watched the opening ceremonies yesterday and they were wonderful!

  3. I agree, Ollie is picking up the stress and I know if I were leaving Ollie, I would be stressed about having to leave him while he is sick.Prayers for Ollie to be fine while #1 is gone. you all look well prepared and you are blessed to have such a dedicate sitter

  4. Safe, happy travels1

  5. Ollie, you don't need to stress about #1, she will soon return and you will have so much fun that you will lose track of time. And so will the rest.

  6. Best of luck to ALL!

    Of course, #1 will have to pay The Dog and Khat Tax - and return with The Goods!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - Be good and no more horkas!

  7. We know you all will be in good hands while #1 is away. Our paws are crossed that she has a good time at the competition.

  8. Enjoy yourself, #1, and we are all purring for Ollie.

  9. Lulu: "Have a good time at the Paralympics, #1!"
    Charlee: "We saw a picture from there and looked for you, but we didn't see you. Maybe you were the one behind the camera."
    Java Bean: "We dogs send lots of tail wags for Ollie to continue to feel better!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  10. It is hard when number one is away but she is doing important work

  11. Safe travels #1 and have a fun time. Ollie, you poor boy, I hope that your food stays down.

  12. We send wishes for #1 to have a great trip and to try to relax. We know you are all in great hands while she is gone. And we especially have our paws crossed for Ollie.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Have a wonderful time #1! I send good wishes for Ollie to feel better.

  14. Aww, fear not. #1 will surely be back before you know it. We hope Ollie's feeling better these days.


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