Thursday 22 August 2024

Thankful Thursday


Tama-Chan: One week from now, #1 will be heading to Versailles for the Paralympic Games. We are thankful for the week coming up and all the snuggling we will enjoy until then. We are also thankful that Ollie is feeling so much better. And we are thankful for a lovely birthday evening last night with Mr. G and family and one of #1's cousins.

I have to tell you, Dear Friends, Mr. G's Dad is an absolute cat magnet!!! You can see where Mr. G gets it from!

And here, for fun, is #1's birthday cake!


  1. LOVE the cake. yep, looks like a cat magnet from here... so very happy to hear Ollie is doing good.. that was scary

  2. Yummy human food cake! Bet the furry ones gotta treat too. Glad #1 was still home on her birthday.

  3. What a great day and way to celebrate #1 and NAT!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - so glad you are feeling better - and my #1 says yum on the gateau and macarons!

  4. All kinds of goodies there.
    Mr. G's Dad has good vibes.

  5. We bet Mr. G's Dad gives good pets which is why you all love him. That cake looks so delish!

  6. We are so happy that you're feeling better, Ollie, and that cake looks beyond fancy and delicious!

  7. That's the way a birthday celebration should be!

  8. I am glad Ollie is feeling better, and hope he makes a better choice on what he does or doesn't eat next time. That cake looks delicious!

  9. Yummy cake!!! Great news on Ollie. Enjoy the week and before you know it, #1 next trip will be done and she will be home with you ready for lots of snuggles.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Lulu: "We're glad to ear Ollie is feeling better! It is no fun having an upset tummy, is it, Ollie? But whatever you ate and whatever I ate, we would eat it again!"
    Charlee: "What do you mean 'whatever I ate', Lulu? We know exactly what you ate. It was all the glucosamine treats and cat food that *I* got out of the food bin for you."
    Lulu: "And don't think I didn't appreciate it!"


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