Sunday 11 August 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Despite all good intentions, we were not able to post yesterday, as #1 again spent all day looking after her two friends from Japan, but we are back now and will hopefully resume a more regular blogging pattern over the coming week.

I have of course been snuggling with #1:

Ollie and Momo continue to snuggle together:

Early morning shot of Ollie and Ryū-Chan:

Yesterday, the two nice Japanese ladies who brought me us all that lovely food and treats came by for a short visit and we did quite a bit of snuggling with them. #1 is trying out a new camera and she is not quite used to it yet, so some of the photos are a little blurry. I'm sure she'll soon get the hang of it.

Here is Ms. M with Ollie:

And with me:

And here is Ms. A with Benny:

Ms. A was ready to take Ollie back with her in her baggage!

Both of them are friends of #1 from her time working at the Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo. They were really nice and we hope they come and visit us again soon!


  1. It is nice to meet up with friends again, and it looks like everyone had a good time.

  2. Oh, Tama Chan you darling snuggler....

  3. Ahh, here's to good friends, new cameras and lots and lots of snuggles!

  4. Good to have snuggles with old & new friends, Linfa

  5. We'd like to see what the officials would have made of finding a doggo in her luggage!

  6. What a lucky day for all!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - time for my #1 to log in and start working - I'm ready!

  7. Such wonderful photos and your visitors sure fell in love with all of you!

  8. Those are all such great snuggle pictures. Those ladies sure loved spending time with all of you.

  9. What a wonderful visit! All of you look so happy and to have such company from so far away.

  10. More sweet sleepies and snuggles ... lovely! And with special friends, too!

  11. looks like you had a great visit with your friends from Japan!!

  12. Lulu: "That's a lot of great snuggles, and I love new friends!"

  13. We are loving all of the wonderful Sunday snuggles! Hi Ollie!

  14. The two friends look like very nice people. Any peeps willing to snuggle with all of you just have to be wonderful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. There you go, reaching across the continent to make friends


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