Wednesday 17 April 2024

Woofie Wednesday


Ollie: Woofs, Everyone! It was great having Mr. G and his Mum and Dad here on Sunday. Those are my favourite times! As the weather was nice,  we spent time outside and Mr. G took a bunch of photos of me!

#1 says some cow genes must have gotten mixed in with mine when I was in the womb, because I do love grass!

I love it when Mr. G looks after us, but I will also miss my #1 whilst she is away!


  1. Beau says to tell you he loves grass too and he wishes he had grass like yours, his is not nearly as tall and lush and no beautiful flowers in it. just dead leaves..

  2. Easy to see you are one happy puppy Ollie!

  3. And we know that #1 misses you too, Ollie.

  4. And I will add ANOTHER W: winning - as in post!

    One of NAK's nicknames was Husky Holstein - she loved to select a delicate salad - I do from time to time but I overdid it Friday night and well, you know-

    Glad you've been helping #1 prep for her trip!


  5. We love the second to last picture of you, Ollie. Mr. G captured a wonderful portrait of you and you look so happy. We eat grass too and our parents often call us cows. BOL!

  6. Love to see all those pictures of Ollie. He is such a good, beautiful dog! I think grass is good for dogs, as long as it doesn’t make them vomit! Linda

  7. We like grass too, Ollie and we like you😺😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  8. You sure look happy out there sweet Ollie!

  9. You know good things are found in the tall grass

  10. Lightning really enjoyed some nice long green blades of grass. Misty and Timber eat grass when their tummies are off, and it usually ends up coming back up the same way it went down:(

    Enjoy your time with Mr. G. We hope all goes well for #1.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. Lulu: "Salad is yummy! I eat grass sometimes, but usually I hang around in the kitchen hoping Dada will toss me a piece of lettuce!"


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