Saturday 6 April 2024

Sudsy Saturday


Ollie: #1 said that Rainbow Sei agreed to lend me her day so I could tell you my tale of woe. A couple of days ago, I went out early evening and found something divine to roll in. Sad to say, #1 did not appreciate this one little bit. She immediately took a bristly brush to me, and then tried to clean me up (!) as best as she could with special doggie wipes before going to bed. The following morning, she called Mr. G and he said he would come by in the afternoon to help her bathe me. Actually, by the time they got around to taking photos, #1 was already starting to rinse me, so there weren't that many suds, but you should have heard them go on and on about the colour of the water!

Let me assure you. There has never been a cleaner pup anywhere! Thanks for being there, Mr. G, for being there and assisting with the heavy (me) lifting! #1 did say that I was a really good boy during my shower!


  1. It's a spaniel thing, Ollie. I used to have a spaniel long ago, and without fail she would go and roll in something smelly as soon as she had a bath. Eric was no better, he had a thing about pheasant poop. The tomes I had to take him to the horse trough and rub it off his face!
    I bet you small lovely now.

  2. Ollie, now you are one clean pup! Watch where you walk when you go back outside so you can avoid the tub again. But I bet it was worth the bath, whatever you found.

  3. Your girls will certainly appreciate that - and will have plans to redirty those furs!
    I've not had a bath in my Khottage days - I'm not a roller in things divine - but my #1 does intend to brush me today FUR as you saw in my ready for 'venture pics, my coat is SPLODIN'!

    Have fun today!

  4. Dang Ollie, what in the world did you get into out there?!?! I'm glad you're all sweet and clean once again!

  5. You are such a good boy during your bath, but we bet you also had fun rolling in whatever stinky thing you found.

  6. I think I can smell it all the way here... so glad #1 has help. Beau gets his bath outside, with the hose and a sprayer, but that would not work if he rolled in anything. beats me why dogs love to roll in stinky stuff but I know they do

  7. Ollie, that sure was a lot of dirt. We are so glad the Momster won't attempt to bathe us herself. We have to go to the groomer. Poor Lightning really needs a good bath and blowout. He is scheduled for Tuesday, but Mom is worried he won't be able to endure the whole ordeal. The vet has his grroomer on high alert to give him the utmost in TLC.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Java Bean: "Ayyy, bath time! I got a bath in the walk-in shower not too long ago and rumor has it I had the most pathetic expression on my face the whole time. It was a lot of work getting that dirty and Mama and Dada did not even appreciate it!"


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