Monday 8 April 2024

Manly Monday


Momo-Chan: It's been a while, since Ollie hijacked our post last week (and Sei-Chan's post on Saturday!), so we have a few pics to share with you. Let me start with a gleaming white sunny pic #1 took of me:

And a floofy one taken by Mr. G:

And this cute tongue-out one, also by Mr. G:

And a couple of sleepy Benny taken by Mr. G and #1:

Here are some of Ryū who is coming up to his first birthday:

Not forgetting Ollie:

And Vidock, of course, at the latest fancy wedding he did!

We in Europe will not be getting any of the eclipse so we hope that our friends in the US will have good weather in order to admire it to the full.


  1. All of you look terribly gorgeous and manly!!

  2. We are right in the path of the eclipse here at my house. It is raining early this morn but they say by the time it happens at 3 PM it may just be light cloud cover. Yesterday it was brilliant sunshine which was as great as the sun Momo is in in the photo!

  3. Oh the handsome factor is HIGH on this one!

    We are in the 91-92 zone - with a mix of clouds for us - it was clear yesterday - and will clear tonight - and there is SUN out there now - I hear NPR's local report say 3:21 for the total time here -

    PeeEssWoo: Oh Ollie - NAK says she wants you to go for a run in the BLUE bellebonnets! My #1 is going to WFH today so we can experience some of the big event - if she was in the GKP office, she would be closed off from it - no pictures here as we didn't get any glasses

  4. big smiles on my face at the horsedrawn bride and groom. love it. Everyone looks wonderful today and Ollie looks fluffed and cleaned after his roll about. ha ha..

  5. An excellent selection of handsomeness!

  6. You are all so manly and cute! Love the wedding picture starring Vidock, too! Linda

  7. Paws crossed for no clouds in the afternoon. Right now things are clear in the AM.

  8. You boys are all looking great today. We're in the path of totality but even though we can see the sun now, the forcast is for mostly cloudy at 3:20pm EDT when it will go dark. That's okay because we will still see the world go dark around us and be able to witness how nature reacts to it.

  9. Lulu: "You are all handsome manly animals! Especially Ollie, of course!"
    Java Bean: "We had clear weather for the eclipse here but since it was only 50% nobody really paid that much attention to it! Dada did go out with a pinhole camera, though!"

  10. I have been away for a few days so very behind. They are all lovely photos, and Vidock looks so handsome for the wedding.


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