Sunday 28 April 2024

Snuggles on Sunday


Tama-Chan: Hello, Dear Friends, and welcome to our weekly snuggle post. This week, I would like rto start with some lovely guests. Mr. G's sister, Ms. L, has a beautiful dog called Paddie (she is a friend of Ollie's) who is great friends with one of their cats, Loubiac, and we got some really nice photos from them:

I have to say, they are pretty sweet together!

And here is a cute pic of Ollie with Mr.G:

With #1 away and then busy on her return, photo-taking here has taken a bit of a back seat this past week, but here is one of Ryū and Benny hanging together:

And even one of me with Benny!

Ryū of course treasures his snuggle times with #1:

Oh, and here is Ollie hanging with Momo (bonus of Queen Tama at the back):

#1 did manage to get a couple of photos taken of her with the big girls, so here she is first with Heloise, whose birthday it is tomorrow, so don't forget to come and celebrate with us!

And with Miss Violette:

Hopefully, we will have a more complete line-up next week. In the meantime, snuggle up!


  1. Paddy and Loubiac are very sweet together. Heloise is looking beautiful, and of course you always do, Violette. Tama, you are letting Benny get quite close to you!

  2. Oh Loubiac looks so much like ME, poupounette gang....and oh what a beautiful photo, the lady, not the horsie, haha. Just kidding, both beautiful.

  3. all of you are snuggle up and we never get enough snuggles, LOVE the horse snuggles and never get to many dog/cat together photos. I can tell Mr G loves all of you

  4. Good to see you all snugglie, and enjoyed seeing your friends snuggling, too. Linda

  5. We've heard that a cat's hip is the best pillow!

  6. Fun to see Mrs. L's pets! Can't wait fur the horsie birthday party.

  7. Nice to see your sweet friends snuggling so nicely. And you all found some great evidence of the special snuggling that always happens at at your place.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Those are all great snuggle pictures. Paddie and Loubiac sure enjoy each other's company.

  9. Awww, that sweet pup and kitty pal are adorable. Y'all really do the best snuggles though!

  10. Wow - what a great group of snuggle shots and snugglers!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - we'll bring the carrots - our CSA included some!

  11. Sundays are alright for snugglng, get a lttle napping in

  12. Y’all look great!

    Selina and MomKatt

  13. Charlee: "Snuggles here, snuggles there, snuggles snuggles everywhere!"


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