Friday 19 April 2024

Violette & Heloise Vendredi


Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! The weather has improved a little and we horses have mainly shed our winter coats so we are looking svelte and gorgeous. I would like to start today with a lovely photo of me that was taken by a friend of Ms. C:

We just love this photo! That's a big cherry tree behind me and we enjoy the cherries when they ripen!

Here is one of Heloise in front of the same tree. As you can see, we still have mud!

And we have a fun photo of #1 trying to prevent me from grabbing the whole roll of Polo mints (hard mints with a hole that both humans and horses love)! That is Lily, Ollie's daughter, in the pic, by the way!

And The Big V sent this one in, showing the beautiful braiding he gets when he is doing fancy events.

As #1 is away, we won't be blogging tomorrow although we will have a Snuggles on Sunday post. She will be on the road back on Monday, so no post on Monday either.


  1. Wonderful pictures, and my dad says that first one would make an awesome puzzle.

  2. I am seeing some potential calendar pix here!
    Vidock's braiding is awesome.
    Bon voyage #1

  3. you gave us lots to see to make up for the days that will be missing. love that braid and all of you are looking happy and beautiful. good to see it is not raining. hope the mud dries soon

  4. You girls look so happy and healthy. We love the special braiding on the Big V for his fancy events.

  5. What a post of beaWOOties!
    All the flowering trees set off The V's purrfectly!

    Safe and productive trip to Belgium!

    PeeEssWoo: Hi Ollie - paws crossed #1 does some SHOPPING!

  6. Ahhhhhhh, the joys of Spring!
    Still, you all are looking great!
    While still a bit cool here, the grass is really green and the days are gradually getting longer :)
    Purrs Winnie

  7. Green, flowering trees, beautiful horses. We hardly noticed the mud. :-)

  8. That first photo of Violette is lovely and would look good framed. That is very fancy braiding that Vidock has.

  9. You all look so wonderful! Big V, those are fancy handsome dude. Tell #1 to travel safely.

  10. Java Bean: "Ayyy, did you get the roll of Polo mints? I sure hope so!"
    Charlee: "Our Dada says one of his favorite bands (who are from Scotland even though they are named Texas) has a song called 'Polo Mint City' and now he wonders if it is about those candies ..."


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