Monday 3 January 2022

Manly Monday


Benny: Happy Meow Year, Everyone! So... you know how Queen Tama is always going on about her dangles? Well, I present to you... The Benny Dangle!

Not bad for a beginner, dontcha think?

Vidock: You know we have a LOT of rain, right? So, here I am with my two girls, Aral and Heloise.

What can I say? It's seriously muddy and Im just the wrong colour for this!

Ollie: I am feeling better and better and it's getting harder and harder for #1 to keep me quiet.

Have a good week, everyone!


  1. that is super, that you feel better dear Oliie... and that is a super dangle Benny.... hugs to ya all

  2. Benny that IS a pawsome dangle Benny :)
    Gee Vidock, I guess it is hard to keep clean and white in a muddy yard.That's OK, you are still handsome!
    Ollie, I am happy that you are doing well and I can imagine how much you want to run!!
    Do try to be careful while you recover OK?!
    Purrs, Julie

  3. I am glad you are doing well. Ollie. I know you are getting impatient to get back to normal, but #1 knows best and you can't rush it.
    Great dangle Benny!
    Vidock, why is it that greys seem to love to roll in the mud more than other colours?

  4. Ollie, I am just delighted you are feeling so much better. What a hard time it has been for #1 and all of us, your friends. Now Vidock...that is true about your pale coat are exceeding handsome nonetheless.

  5. BENNY! Your dangle was superb!!! I must have gotten thinking of Benny too much. Yours was an exciting accomplishment.

  6. It's nice to see all of you today and the Benny Dangle is terrific!

  7. Good news, Ollie ! Nicely done, Benny, great dangle ! Vidock, we hope that the ground gets drier, and you whiter again ! Purrs

  8. You boys are all looking great...although Vidock could use a bit of a hosing off from all that mud. BOL!

    We are keeping our paws crossed that you continue to heal well, Ollie. You do as #1 tells you so you will be able to play again soon.

  9. Benny! You are the dangle King! (Don't tell Kozmo I said that...he thinks he is), Vidock, you are almost as black with mud as your 2 lovely ladies and Ollie, its tough to keep an active dog inactive! I bet you are a handful!

  10. Benny! You have become an excellent dangler. And Ollie…I’m so glad you are doing better. ~Ernie

  11. Charlee: "That's a good dangle, Benny, but it looks like there's a higher perch than the one you're on. Quick, seize it! Because highest cat wins!"

  12. Oh, Benny, you afre a great dangler already!!

    Ollie, we are happy to hear you are doing so well, but ya gotta follow the doc's orders else you might have to go back for another ouchie...

    Poor Vidock, that muddy field sure wreaks havoc on your furs. But we think your gals still love you as do we!

  13. I'm glad you are feeling better, Ollie.


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