Friday, 2 August 2019


#1 here. We have had a lot of sadness on this blog over the past months and so it is doubly joyful for us to write a post today celebrating our Queen, Tama-Chan's, 11th birthday!

You may not remember or know, but Tama-Chan came to Poupounette Central as something of a rescue. She was born at a breeder's, one of a litter of five little girl kittens. She was the only one to have small deformities on both her front feet. The right one only has three toes instead of four, and the left has a couple of atrophied toes. This in no way restricts her movements but it basically made her unsellable as a pedigree kitten. Her breeder therefore gave her to me, on condition that she produced one litter of kittens for him.

Here she is, on the right, with her sisters, when she was about 5 weeks old:

 She was so cute!

This was probably the first time she met Tommy, who became her life-long friend, when she was 6 weeks old:

When Tama first came to live at Poupounette Central, she was adopted by Sen-Chan who looked after her like the kindest of big brothers:

And when Sen-Chan left for the Bridge when Tama was only 5 months old, Tommy took over:

Tama in turn was a good sister to Sei-Chan:

And she was a wonderful mother to her 4 kittens:

But Tama was always a little distant (except when it came to being brushed!). She was not particularly cuddly except when she chose to be. Yet, she was there, as the fortunes of the Gang went up and down. Several years ago, she started coughing badly and we were worried that it might be a heart condition. But various tests, including a CAT Scan, showed nothing wrong with her heart. It turned out it was some kind of allergy, although we have never found out to what. So, for the last few years, she has been one the lowest possible dose of cortisone  which I adjust, according to her state.

She was very put out when Bibi, her son, did not leave with the others at weaning, and never liked him much. The strange thing is that, ever since he left, she has suddenly become the snuggliest cat around. She is always seeking me out! She has also become a lot more relaxed in her demeanour, so that we now have regular sessions of this:

Ever since we started blogging, we have lost five of our members (plus Trav); Sen-Chan, Yuu-Chan, Sei-Chan, Tommy, and Bibi-Chan. Aside from me, Tama is the only one who has known them all and carries their memory within her. In a strange twist of fate, the loss of Tommy and Da Beebs has brought the two of us closer together, and I think we both find equal comfort in the other.

HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY to the one and only Mama Tama, Queen of this house! You are and always will be treasured! May we share many more years together.


  1. Happy 11th Birthday dear Tama!!!!!We are happy that you and #1 have gotten closer and that you are loving the cuddles. WE wish you many more years of happiness too :)
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Happy Birthday beautiful Tama-Chan! I hope your special day is super special, just like you!

  3. Happy Birthday, love da tummy shots

  4. Tama-mama, wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

  5. Wishing the Queen a happy birthday!! Tama-Chan is such a beautiful and special cat (and the memory keeper also).

  6. Happy birthday, Tama! And many, many more!

  7. Happy birthday Miss Tama-Chan. You sure are a special girl.

  8. Happy Birthday, Tama Chan. I am glad that you and #1 bring comfort to each other.

  9. Happy 11th birthday, Queen Tama ! We hope you had a wonderful day filled with treats and cuddles, and wish you many many more to come ! Purrs

  10. Happy Birthday, Tama - you have been a friend of ours for many years. We wish you many more years of good health and happiness.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Happy Purrthday, Queen Tama ! And many more !

  12. Happy Birthday, Tama-Chan! We hope you get lots of treats!

  13. Happy Birthday, sweet Tama! We are thrilled that you have cultivated your cuddly side XOXO

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. For a KHAT, you are pretty special!

    And beaWOOtiful too!

    Happy Happy #11 !!!!!!!!!!!

    Holly, NAK, and all at The Khottage

  15. Happy 11benty Birfday Tama Chan!! You are one beeuteefull kitty girl an wee an mee are so happy to bee yore frend!
    Mee iss happy yo are closer to Numburr 1....mee iss close to LadyMeow now an it iss so lovelee.
    Wishin you another 11benty yeerss!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiesss}} LadyMeow

  16. Happy Belated Purrthday Tama-chan.


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