Thursday 15 August 2019

Thankful Thursday

Ollie: Woofs everyone, Ollie here! Today is one of the year's biggest Percheron horse events and #1 is very involved in the event. But guess what? I get to go along too! I am hoping to meet lots of fun new people! I am very thankful that #1 is taking me along!

And you know what? A couple of days ago, I got to go on a great drive through the countryside with #1, Ms. C, and Ms C's two working mares, Ursula and Doupette. Here area  couple of shots from our drive:

And here I am!

#1 says that, one day soon, she hopes we can go out for a drive with Vidock and Violette. Now that would be something to be thankful for!


  1. oh we would like to be there with you... we have Fête du Battage and we hope to see some horsies too...

  2. Now that's one super cool ride ya got there Ollie!

  3. Ollie, I'm thinking that #1 is so happy to have you with her.

  4. What a nice ride ! We're glad you enjoyed it, Ollie ! Purrs

  5. We want to see the V's in harness together too.


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