Friday 19 July 2019

Violette and Vidock Vendredi

Violette: Pretty Neighs, Everyone! At the moment, The Big V and I are in a field that is a little way from Ms. C's house, along with a bay Normandy Cob girl called Victoria. So, #1 makes a point of stopping to see us either on her way to or her way from seeing Ms. C. Most of the time, we are right at the barrier:

But occasionally, we are farther away and we are busy grazing, so #1 has to admire us (me...) from afar:

Vidock: As a rule, when I see #1 coming over, I immediately go to greet her. Here I am with my cob girlfriend, Victoria:

Unlike a certain Miss Violette who can be a little slow on the uptake...

C'm on, #1! I am sure you have some nice treats for your sweet boy?

Excuse me whilst I have a hair shake to get those pesky flies off me.


  1. oh that is a beautiful friend and it fits peerfectly to you, her name starts with a V too ;O)

  2. That is a nice view in your field.Silly Violette not realising #1 was there with treats. Did she come over before you ate them all?

  3. A lovely spot you have. We bet it is exciting when you see your #1.
    Treats and ear scritches are wonderful things!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. We sure enjoy seeing you two and we know you love seeing #1 headed your way!

  5. You all are looking great. We would come running too if there were treats to be had.

  6. That is a great rule, Vidock. You are such a sweetheart :-) Love that last photo very much!
    I hope you all have a great weekend xo

  7. Vidock, your lady friend is very pretty. All of you are looking mighty good.

  8. You are all looking so beautiful. When #1 comes you are probably so happy to see each other. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  9. #1 needs to learn to whistle and that you come when she does her tune.


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