Saturday 13 July 2019

Sei-Chan's Souvenir Saturday

Rainbow Sei: Its been a while, Dear Friends. We have been very busy at this end, keeping #1 safe and it was a big job this time, with what happened to her car. It could have been terrible but we were all there and made sure she was safe, and inconvenienced as little as possible.

Today's photos are in no particular order and follow no particular theme. I thought I would start with this nice one of me, Tommy and "the ball":

And here is a nice Beebsy portrait in the sun:

Our Beebs isn't quite settled in yet, but we are all working hard to make him feel better. He just misses #1 (and vice-versa, I suspect)...

Here is one of me doing a double upward dangle:

I do miss that hammock!

Here is Ikkyu, way back in 2003, helping #1 with her work (on her old iMac!):

Here is Tommy at 8 months, the same age that Ollie is now!

A wonderful, summer shot of Sen-Chan:

Yuu-Chan when he was still a little kit:

And one of Trav, enjoying a snooze. 

Oh, and before I forget, I have to tell you... there is a new girl in town and boy,  is she wonderful! Her name is Binga and she is teaching me all kinds of things... She says it's no good being shy, the way I was...


  1. How lovely seeing you all today. Ugh, don't listen to Binga! She didn't always know best. ;-)

  2. Your ohotos are lovely and Angel Binga is a sweet one too.

  3. It's good to hear you all are doing a great job of looking after #1 while she is on her travels. Those pictures bring back lots of great memories.

  4. The photos are all lovely. That is a beautiful one of Da Beebs in the sun.

  5. Great report Sei. For the record, we miss all of you at the RB!!
    We do like the memory pics though.
    Bet Miss Binga will liven things up ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  6. Betcha #1 sees this images as bittersweet, Sei!

  7. Meow mewo Sei-Chan mee an Binga were frendss. Shee iss a fun lovin girl who used to photoe bomm ALL Summer Samba'ss photoe shootss!!! Wee miss her ALOT butt are reeleeved yore all helpin her adjust! Pleese give Tommy doggie sum ~~head rubsss~~ from mee OKay? An Beebss mee sendss **paw kissesss** to you too!
    Thanx Sei-chan fore all yore lovelee photoess of efurryone. Wish mee had known all of you now inn Purr Land....
    ***purrssss*** BellaDharma


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