Monday 15 July 2019

Manly Monday

Genji: Something really fun happened! With #1's help, I discovered a half brother of mine! I didn't even know he existed! We had the same Mama, Bastet, but different Dads. His name is Djibouti (Djibuti des Rêves d'Aton. I am Genji des Rêves d'Aton) and he is three years older than me. Look at him!

Don't you think we look really alike? Here is a photo of me that #1 took a few days ago:

Oh, and before I forget... My vet visit the other day went OK. I got my shots. I had lost a bit of weight but Dr. C thinks it's probably just a combination of the heatwave we had and #1 being away so much. I am eating fine, so I will hopefully put the weight back on. Here is a shot of me getting my jab:

Ollie: Yesterday, I went with #1 to a driving (with horses) competition and there were lots of woofies there. She  kept me on a lead because she is not 100% sure I can be trusted yet, but I still had a ball. I met a huge and fabulous guy. He is a Leonberg!

As you can see, I actually fitted under him!

 I was a really good boy about hanging with #1 and watching the horses:

The Big V: Just hangin' out with my V girls, Violette and Victoria...

Wishing you all a good week!


  1. a half brother andf a new friend, that is like the lottery jackpot!!! and mother nature created your half brother the best way ever!!! we love his fur!

  2. Your half brother is very handsome like you, Genji. I am glad your vet visit went well.
    I am glad you made lots of new friends, Ollie. I have not heard of Leonbergs before but he is very big.Is he a youngster or do they all have fluffy coats like that?
    That is a nice photo of you with your ladies, Vidock.

  3. A half brother and a good check up!!! Pawsome Genji :)
    Ollie you look mighty cute standing under your tall new friend ;)
    Good to see you Vidock,Violette and Victoria. The V's indeed ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Your half brother does look a lot like you. We're glad to hear the check up went well. Ollie you are doing such a great job learning to be a good pup when you are out and about. Maybe next year the big V or Miss Violette can be in the driving competition.

  5. Such fun times, well, except for the stab at the Vet. How cool to find your half Brother Genji!

  6. Your half-brother is very handsome, Genji!

  7. Djibouti is very handsome, but I'm more partial to you, Genji!

  8. What a wonderful weekend for all of you !

  9. Your half brother Djibouti looks very handsome and we are happy your vet visit went well. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  10. Cool that you found your half brother Genji. Does he live near you?

  11. Meow mewo Djibouti iss sum hansum man two DO look so alike!! It must bee lovelee to find a furamillee memburr…...mee has NO idea where any of mine are...
    Ollie you look adoorabell with THE Leonberger doggie!!!
    Vidock you have a mew frend Victoria?? Shee iss furry purrty an Violette yore lookin beeuteefull as efurr!!
    ***purrsss*** an *nose rubsss* BellaDharma


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